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  This story follows a young couple who seems to have a quite normal life, well, for the most part. Aside the fact that they had been together almost three years, you would think that they have it all together just by looking at them. Good looking couple, nice house, and good jobs for the both of them; however, all that glitters is not gold. Everybody has secrets and struggles, just that, some are worse, and more life threatening than others.  This one would make one's skin crawl though.

  Glenda has always been the popular, beautiful girl. She stands at about 5'0, has beautiful long brunette hair, and she has the most lovely brown eyes, anyone has seen. At a glance, she seems like the sweetest girl ever, but she possesses a dark secret, not even her boyfriend knows about. She has a tendency to attach herself to someone she gets into a relationship with, either by using her looks, or bewitching the mind through seduction. At first it seems alright, and like things are going well, because it usually extends long term over a matter of months, or in this particular case, years. Then it becomes toxic through arguments, infidelity, and even non explainable accidents that end up happening to her partner without her even touching him/her, so they decide to try to break up with her, and things start getting weird. Glenda's body turns this weird grey color, and starts to crack and break away, or "fall apart" as some put it, her eyes turn red, and she starts to get revenge, not only on her current partner, but anyone who stands in her way. No one is safe, whether she is in normal appearance, or in her cursed state she is in. She is one of the most dangerous people there are.

  Derek, Glenda's boyfriend is the sweetest person anyone has ever known, and he always tries to help people who are down, or at a traumatic crossroad in their life. He always sees the good in someone, no matter what, which is one of his best qualities. He himself, stands at about 6'0, has really nice sandy brown hair, and beautiful light green eyes. He's been with Glenda a bit over three years, and he is starting to really rethink his relationship. At first things are going great, and he finally found his girl, but about 10 months into it, things start happening, and she starts acting weird. Fights start up, mysterious marks have ended up in him (he assumed those came from work), and the relationship is just downright toxic all together. He really doesn't want to hurt her, but how many chances can someone be given, before enough is enough? He is at the point that he is ready to break up with her; however, little does he know, this is going to be the most dangerous decision of his life. Will he be able to survive it? Or will he end up like everyone else who has broke up with Glenda, and ending up dead? Only time will tell, but he is in a very dangerous situation....

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