The Plan

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  Later that night, Derek begin to contact a few of his friends, and they all reluctantly agreed, but they couldn't make it until the next morning, except for one, and that was Alex, one of Derek's close friends. He rushed over, after he explained what was going on. When he got there, Derek didn't hesitate letting him in. 

 "Are you two alright?" Alex asked, shutting the door.

 "Yes, nothing had happened to us yet, but we did get threatened. Then she had the nerve to go to Katrina's house and threaten her!" Derek said, furiously. 

 "So now what? We are supposed to hide out here?" Alex asked.

 "Well, we don't have much of a choice, do we?" Katrina chimed in.

 "We do have a choice! Just wait for the others to get here in the morning, and we are going to make a plan to not only protect you and I, Katrina, but also to protect everyone else that is about to get involved." Derek tried to sound reassuring. "We need to keep an open mind about things, and try not to freak out, that is the last thing we need."

 "Well then, at least let me at least bandage your arm, so it doesn't bleed out." Alex said.

  Derek nodded,  and allowed Alex to bind his arm so he didn't keep bleeding. 

The Next Morning

  Everyone must of dozed off, because they woke up to some urgent knocks at the door. Yawning and rubbing his eyes, Derek went to answer the door, checking the peephole first. "Oh thank God." He opened the door suddenly, letting his other 3 friends in, shutting and locking the door behind them. 

 "Dude, what the hell is going on?" Nate asked.

 "There is a lot of drama going on, and now our lives are in danger." Derek said.

 "How can we help?" Layla asked.

 "Well, we need to start by making a plan of action, so we can save, and protect ourselves." Derek said. "If you are here, then you are involved, there is not a safe place anyone can go."

 "Alright, alright. I am in," Nate said.

 "Good. Here is what we need to do. First, we need to make sure we are armed and ready for anything that comes our way. Second of all, if any of us decides to leave, at least one other goes, no one leaves alone. Third, I don't really think we can leave this house, unless we absolutely have to, but I know if she comes looking, this is indeed the first place she will look, that is if she hasn't already. Lastly, and most importantly, if I ask you to remain calm, remember that I am asking you to do it for a reason." Derek took a breath. "If we can stick with this, maybe we will survive this day/night, and others ahead of us. Be prepared for anything though."

  Derek walked away for a few minutes, towards the closet that was down the hall. He rustled around, looking for something, then came back with a box full of things. "What is that?"

 "Well Katrina, you know how I said we needed to be armed and ready? These are the supplies that i was hoping to never have to use, but desperate times call for desperate measures." Derek said.

 "What if it doesn't completely protect us?" Dan eventually chimed in.

 "Well, then we will put up a hell of a fight, and even then, if we lose, it wasn't done by just giving up. Now go ahead, grab a weapon and a flashlight, we will need it." Derek said.

 "What exactly are we going up against, it is just your ex, a human being... right?" Layla asked.

 "Not exactly." Derek answered.

  Layla looked extremely confused. "What do you mean by not exactly?"

 "Katrina, care to share with everyone what you saw yesterday, after Glenda stopped by? You saw her after she left my house, I didn't." Derek said.

  Katrina took a deep breath before she started to speak. "Glenda no longer looked like a human. She was grey, and her skin looked all cracked up, and was breaking away, not just her face, but her hands and other parts of her body too. She had red eyes, and her voice was deep, and a bit scary. The only thing that didn't change was her hair, it was still very much a live, and beautifully bouncy like always."

 " she is no longer.... human?" Dan asked.

 "No, I don't think she is any longer, but whatever she has transformed into is something dangerous, and I am not even sure we can fight her off with what we have here, but we have to try. I know she is going to retaliate, but we need to fight back full force." Katrina said. "I am scared to death, but I feel extremely safe with all of you here, and for that I thank you all."

 "Hey, what are friends for?" Nate said, sounding upbeat.

 "He is right." Layla said. "No I don't know about you all, but I am ready."

  Derek smiled, but everyone's face went blank, because all of a sudden the power went out. Katrina gasped covering her mouth. "You don't think..." Nate was cut off.

 "We don't have time to think about what is is, or isn't. This is not the time to freak out either, we need to remain calm. Or at least try to." Derek said.

 "Time to put our plan into action, this is where we band together and form one unit, and look out for one another." Layla said bravely.

  Then with that being said, they all grabbed a weapon and a flashlight, and waited as the sun began to set. No one knew what kind of fate was ahead of them, but one thing they did know for sure is that they did have each other. Whether they lived or died, they would fight together and die together if they had to....

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