The Fight Begins...

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  It had been 2 hours since the power went out, and the sun had set giving the sky a really nice purple-pink color, which was a sign that night fall was near. However as they all stood there, waiting, it seemed like a light bulb went off in Derek's head. "Nate, I need you to come with me."

 "Why, what is going on?" Nate asked.

 "We need to make sure that all the windows, and any other entrance into the house are locked down. This is going to be a long night." Derek said.

  Nodding in agreement, Nate followed Derek through the house, now needing their flashlights because of the blackout curtains and the last bit of light fading. ", are we supposed to wait it out in here? With the possibility of her..." Derek cut him off.

 "Look, man, we have to do what we have to do in order to stay safe. Right now, we are safe where we are, and I would like to keep it that way, and we need to be strong for Katrina and Layla." Derek said.

 "I agree with you on that one man. They need us." Nate finally said.

  They reached the first window, and it was unlocked! "Whoa, wait just a damn minute! I locked this one yesterday! What the hell?!" 

 "Are you sure man?" Nate asked. "You get side tracked when things go bad."

 "I am most definitely sure." Derek said.

 "Alright, well calm down just a bit, there is probably an explanation for that."

 "Well, you may be right, but what about that?" Derek asked, pointing to the next open window.

  They both exchanged look at each other, and shined their flashlights on the open window, which under it had grey pieces of matter, and foot prints, with traces of blood. "Derek?"

 "Don't say it. We need to get back now! We are not alone in this house, but stay close." Derek said.

  Then they headed back towards the living room, but were tripped by a wire or something of that nature. Derek was knocked completely out, but Nate was still with it, but had and aching head; however, he cant move. They are both tied there in the dark.

  Meanwhile back in the living room, the hype had calmed down a bit, and everyone was finally able to talk. They were enjoying the leisure time, until they heard a diabolical laugh in the distance. "What was that?"

 "I am not too sure, but what is keeping Nate and Derek? It shouldn't be taking that long." Dan said, walking towards the kitchen.

 "You are not leaving us alone! I am sure they will be back soon." Layla said.

 "Don't count on it.." a voice in the distance said.

 "Who's there?" Dan asked.

  Then, the lights automatically came back on, and they saw a grey figure in the distance. "No.. can't be!"

 "Oh but it is!" Glenda snapped. 

 "How?" Alex asked. "You were locked out!"

 "I have my ways, you tend to forget that." Glenda said.

 "Where's Nate and Derek? What have you done to them?" Katrina asked frantically.

  Glenda laughed. "Don't worry about them, they are alive... for now that is. How long they stay alive depends on you."

 "Excuse me?" Layla chimed in.

 "You heard me, by the way, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Katrina, the girl who started this whole thing." Glenda said.

 "You have got to be kidding me." Katrina said. "I am not going to stand for this."

   Then she charged at Glenda with full force, and was ready to strike with her sword looking thing, but she was stop, by Glenda grabbing her by the throat, and taking the sword, throwing it across the room. "You really don't want to do that." she said, throwing Katrina across the room.

 She hit the wall with a thud, leaving blood where her head hit. She was disoriented, as she put her head on the back of her head feeling the wetness from the blood. Alex ran over to her, and helped her to her feet. "Are you alright?" 

 "I think so, my head just really hurts. How bad is it?" Katrina asked.

  Alex turned her around to look at the gash on her head. It was bleeding pretty good, but it wasn't very deep. "It should be alright, it has a lot of blood, but it isn't very deep."

  Katrina nodded. Then she sat down on the couch. 


  Back in the dark room, towards the back of the house, where Nate and Derek were tied up, Nate was freaking out, trying to break free. "Derek man, you have to wake up. Come on, man."

  Derek started to stir, and his eyes opened, and he tried to move his hands towards his face, but that is when he realized he was bound to the chair. "What the hell is this?"

 "Dude, she is here! Glenda is here. She did this to us." Nate said.

 "If we don't figure out how to get out of this, she is going to try to kill the others, and I know who she will go for first, if she hasn't already." Derek said. "Now come on, lets work together."

  After 30 minutes, they were bale to break free, retrieved their flashlight, and headed out of the room; however, they didn't need their flashlights, because the power was back on. "We need to get to them now."

  They both ran into the living room, and were ready to fight. Derek grabbed a weapon off of the floor, and was getting ready to strike, when Glenda turned around. She looked just as evil as Katrina explained, well, a bit worse now that she is mad. She grabbed Derek's hand, and twisted it, causing him to scream in pain. It brought him down to the ground. "You're going to pay for that."

  Glenda walked over to the couch, and grabbed Katrina up by the hair and she started screaming, and freaking out. "The more you fight, the more I hurt you." Glenda said, jerking her head back. Katrina winced in pain, and started screaming when Glenda took her fingernails, and dug them into her body, and pulling them up.

 "Let her go!" Dan shouted.

  Glenda stood there for a minutes, watching Katrina bleed, then pushed her to the ground. "You now play by my rules, or I start dishing out pain!"

  At that moment everyone realized just how much danger they were in, and they were going to have to come up with another plan when they were alone. However, right now, they decided to just play by the rules, and try to survive as long as they could....

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