The Game Continues

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  Alex crawled over to Katrina, and helped get her to wake up again. She started screaming when she saw Nate's arm again. "I can't do this, it's just too much!" she exclaimed.
"Look, I know this is difficult, I don't want to do it anymore than you do. We have no choice." Alex explained.
"He's right." Layla finally said. "We'll get through this together."
"I know, I know, it just bothers me. I'm terrified!" Katrina exclaimed.
"We all are, just hang on," Dan said, "can't give up now. She is not going to beat us. Not like this."
  Glenda was growing impatient. "Enough of this! Nate, you're next. You choose anyone in this room, break one of their fingers."
"Dude, you don't have to choose. Break mine." Derek said.
"Are you..." He was cut off.
"Just do it damn it!" Derek shouted.
  Mouthing the word I am sorry, Nate smashed Derek's left pointer, you could hear the bone breaking in the air. It was sickening.
"Alright, game over! Now we move on." Glenda said, as she walked off.

  Katrina sat there, with her head on Alex's shoulder, crying. "What are we going to do, we can't go all night like this."

 "She is right Derek, we have to fight back." Nate said.

 "Not yet." Derek said. "We have to wait for the right moment to strike at her, that way she doesn't end up hurting or killing anyone else."

 "Are you crazy? What do we do in the meantime, play her twisted games she keeps coming our way?" Dan asked.

 "Look, we have no other choice. Derek is right, there is no way to do it right now, it is too much of a threat." Layla said.

  They all grew extremely quiet, when Glenda, or whatever the hell that thing was came back in the room. "Alright, the rules are simple, same as the other game, but this time I will give you 10 minutes to decide what you are going to do, but you have to do what I say, or this time, the consequences are going to be worse."

 "What do you want us to do?" Katrina sobbed.

 "You choose a person from this room, and you decide their fate. There are two options: 1. you sacrifice them to me, which in turn that person will end up dying. Or there is always the second option. 2. They still have to come with me, but I will get really rough with them, and will torment and torture them. your 10 minutes start now." Glenda said.

  Everyone decided to sit together and talk about what was going on. "I don't get why we have to do this."

 "We just have to, it may b the only way to get out." Derek said. "I'll go, and someone else to choose to come with me."

  Nate grabbed Derek's arm pulling him back, "You are the man who has a plan, you got nowhere. Dan and I have got this. You and Alex, keep an eye on Katrina and Layla. Find a way out of this." 

  Derek nodded his head, and they gave him a hug, as they passed by, heading into one of the dark rooms. However, this room wasn't dark, it would be a comfortable feeling, not having to be surprised. They did however, knock before they entered, and shut the door behind them, as they entered. 

 "So, what was chosen for the 2 of you?" Glenda asked callously. 

 "We don't want to die, obviously. The torture we will take." Derek said.

   Then for the next three hours the two boys were bound to a chair, and underwent the worse possible pain anyone could ever imagine. Whenever the beating, burning, lashing, punching, and clawing was over, they just sat there, blood all over them, and their close were ripped as well. It looked like they had just been beaten by a motorcycle gang. However, they held on through the entire thing, and once this whole thing is over, they are going to come out of this way stronger than before, they just had to make it through the night together. Eventually, the beatings stopped and Glenda left the room.

 "Derek...?" Nate said weakly.

 "Yeah man. Are you alright?" Derek asked.

 "I don't really know. There is blood everywhere, and I am in so much pain."

 "Don't do this to me man. You have to hang in there. Fight together, die together, remember?"

 "I am trying to. I will fight like hell, ,to stay alive, I am not quitting on you." Nate said. "We need to find a way to break ourselves free, so we can get back with the others."

   Meanwhile back in the living room, Dan and Alex, were trying to be as strong as possible, but it was difficult at some points. However, just when the tension started to go down, Glenda reappeared. "You should consider yourselves lucky, I let them live."

 "Where are they?" Layla asked.

 "Finding a way out of their restraints. You really think I would do it?" Glenda said coldly

 "Well, what the fuck are we supposed to do?" Dan asked suddenly.

 "If I were you, I would start by shutting your mouth. I am done with games, now.... WE FIGHT...." Glenda said.

 "So, we can use our weapons?" Alex asked hopefully.

   Just then, Glenda's face turned almost charcoal grey, and her eyes were so red it is like they could steal your soul. At that moment, they all realized, that they may not make it through the night....

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