The Fight for Their Lives

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 "You know, you are making it really hard for me not to slit all of your throats right now. You are just like my family!" Glenda shouted. "They didn't know how to shut up."

 "It's hard to believe you have any family." Alex stated.


  Glenda's family was very beautiful, and they lived the life of any normal family, well, for the most part. Her parents were very loving people, and her brother and sister were her best friends, it was almost a picture perfect life. However, that is when everyone found out about Glenda's "secret", the transformation she goes through, and this is how it happened: One day she had gotten into a fight with her parents, because she wanted to go on a date with her first boyfriend, by herself and they wouldn't let her. She got mad, and stormed off into her room, and just started to stew in her anger, and while she was alone, she felt herself starting to change. At first it was painful, but it had to happen anyway. Her skin turned the really dark grey color and was cracked all over the place, she looked like a dried up candle with cracking wax, and her eyes were a dark crimson red. The only thing that managed to stay the same, and keep a lot of volume was her hair.

  Anyway, once her body went through the transformation, she went back to where her family was, and made them play her games. Eventually it got so intense the parents ended up killing her brother and sister, and then she slaughtered her parents, there was blood everywhere, but she wasn't bothered by it at all.She stayed in the house, walking around in their blood with her bare grey feet saying, "All you had to do was to shut the hell up, and let me go!"

  Back to reality, everyone sat there exchanging looks with each other. "S.. so you killed your family because they wouldn't let you go on a date?"

 "No, I didn't kill them. They ended up killing my siblings, in a game we were playing, and then I had to kill them. They didn't know how to shut up!" Glenda shouted. "You should be thankful that I haven't killed you yet."

 "Thankful? You can't be serious." a voice said from behind Glenda. 

  She turned around and saw Derek and Nate standing there, all bloody and bruised up. "We are lucky you haven't killed us yet, but we are not going to let you defeat us!"

  Katrina started crying, at the sight of the two guys, but she knew deep down that they were alright, and they were just going to be sore for a few days. They are a strong group of people there is no denying that, and so far, there have been several things done to try to break them, and they just get it done, and come out stronger than they were before. 

 "If it is a fight you want, then it is a fight you will get, come on, lets do it right now. No weapons!" Derek shouted. 

 "Alright, hot shot, lets do this." Glenda said.

  Then Derek threw down the flashlight, and got into the position to fight Glenda. "Oh, I am going to enjoy beating the fuck out of you." she said.

  At that moment, they started to fight each other. Both of them were throwing punches, and hit one another with each hit. However, as the fight deepened, Derek grabbed Glenda's hair, and threw her down, getting up on top of her. Then he began throwing punches at her, and grabbing her hair, making her hit her head on the ground. "Three fucking years of hell, and you think you can come in here and terrorize us?! I'm going to kill you."

 "You can't kill me." Glenda said, kicking Derek off of her, and then she jumped on top of him, beginning throwing punches at him.

  However, as she did that, Layla grabbed the sword like tool across the room, and struck Glenda from behind causing her to fall to the side. "Lets get the hell out of here now!"

  Alex helped Derek get up, and they all just ran out the door. They didn't think to grab the keys so they kept running until they got to the wooded area that was about a mile away from the house, and ran in there. "We may have to split up."

 "No Derek, we can't! we will die!" Katrina shouted. 

 "Actually if we all stick together we will die, we have to do this, it is the only way we can survive. We will meet back here at dawn. Layla, go with Alex and Dan, and Nate and I will take care of Katrina." Derek explained.

 "What exactly are we supposed to do?" Dan asked. 

 "Stay alive." Nate said.

  Dan took a deep breath and then he headed off with the other two people he was grouped with. They went into an abandoned building to hide out, the place was fairly big, so if Glenda came looking, it would take her a while to find them. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, but they really didn't have much of a choice. So they did the best thing that they could do, and hid.

  Meanwhile, at the other end of the woods, Derek and his two partners, were getting traps assembled so they could try to catch Glenda if she came their way looking for them. She was after all after Derek and Katrina after all, but they still weren't going to give in just like that. They had a little bit of fight left in them, and they were going to battle until they couldn't anymore...

  Once the traps were assembled, they just sat there really close to one another, and just listened. It was kind of like they were awaiting their death sentence, but they were no safer there, than they were at the house, and at least they got a bit of a head start. They were pretty far back into the woods, but there was really no way to know if Glenda followed them, or if she followed the other three. She could of been following them the entire time, Derek couldn't get what she said out of his head. "You can't kill me."

 "We are so fucked." Derek said.

 "Don't talk like that Derek, we can still make it through this. We are still alive, and we are still going." Katrina said.

 "For how long though? We don't know where Glenda is, or if she was even following us." Derek explained. "I am all for fighting for our lives, but a person can only fight so much before they finally give in."

 "Don't you dare talk about quitting, when we have made it this far. Come on man, we're not giving up on you, so you will not quit on us!" Nate said. "We have got this."

  Derek nodded, but their moment of peace was interrupted when they heard what sounded like Layla screaming from the other side of the woods. "Come on, we need to go help her, and I am almost positive, I know where they are going. There is an abandoned building not too far from here, that is where they went to hide out."

   Everyone was in agreement, and they went on a rescue mission, bringing their hand made traps/ weapons with them, just in case they needed them. When they got to the building, Katrina called for Layla,

 "Layla, where are you?"

 "Second floor, second room on the left. Hurry please." she sounded distressed.

  They quickly ran upstairs, and found Layla standing there, looking at Dan in a pool of blood. "I... is he dead?"

 "I don't know! He's not moving though." Layla shouted.

  Derek walked over and felt for a pulse, there was nothing. He looked up and said. "He's gone. Listen this is a very lethal situation, we don't need to split up, I really don't see a need for it anyway."

   Everyone agreed, so they got everything and waiting for Glenda to show up. She was out there, it was just a matter of time before she showed up again. This time, they were definitely going to be ready when she showed up. They were going to attack her by surprise and she is going to pay for what she did to Dan, one way or another... It is time to FIGHT!!!

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