The Surprise Attack...

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  It had been a bout an hour since they went to help Layla, when they heard her screaming, because of Dan's dead body, and since then, it has been pretty quiet, but there was just one issue. Including their dead friend Dan, there are only 5 people there, something wasn't right.

 "Wait, where's Alex?" Derek asked suddenly.

 "I don't know, he was here a bit before you guys came here. It isn't like him to disappear like this, and I thought he wouldn't after his best friend got killed, and I am now technically alone." Layla explained.

 "It really isn't, I have known this kid since high school, unless he went try to find help, or went to the bathroom, but if that were the case, he should have already been back by now." Nate said.

 "I wouldn't even know where to start looking, what are we supposed to do?" Layla asked.

 "Right now, we can't do anything, but just...wait. It is too dangerous to even try to start searching, and we are not splitting up again." Derek said. 

  Katrina sighed, putting her head against the wall. "What is this place anyway?"

 "I think it may of been an old hospital back in like 1989, or something. I Don't really know what happened, or why it is abandoned or anything like that." Nate answered.

 "This is a hell of a place for a hospital to be." Layla stated. "Well, we have been standing here for almost 2 hours now, if we are going to stay in here, should we at least check and see if there is anything in here that could be of use to us? I don't think one sword and a machete will protect us all, we need more."

 "I think you might be onto something, we could use more protection." Katrina said.

 "Alright fine, we go. We stick together though, no more splitting up. We are down to 4 people now, we can't lose anyone else." Derek said. "I am worried about Alex, but I am pretty sure, he will find us, and can handle things."

 "Alright, that is understandable. Layla and Katrina, don't leave our sight." Nate said. "Lets get going now."

   With that that said, they all turned on their flashlights, grabbed the sword and the machete, and headed to the first floor, where the kitchen was. It was the first place they could check for weapons. However, as they walked, they tried to remain as close to each other as possible. It was very possible that Glenda is lurking somewhere, so they needed to move fast.

  When they reached the kitchen they found a kerosene lamp, and it still had oil in it, so Derek pulled the lighter out of his pocket and lit it, a dim light filled the room, but it was more than the flashlights. Everyone fanned out, to look for anything that could be of use to them. It didn't take them any longer that 30 minutes, and they had everything they needed. They grabbed knives, metal skewer sticks, a mini blow torch, and a few other things. By the time they finished in the kitchen, searching for tools, they heard a door shut, which stopped them dead in their tracks. Derek picked up the kerosene lamp, and looked around the kitchen, and in the corner he saw a dark figure.

 "Everybody get back now!" he said suddenly.

  No one asked any questions, and did as they were instructed. "Show yourself!"

  The figure came out of the corner covered in blood. "Alex?" they all said in unison.

 "Where the hell have you been man?" Nate asked.

 "Hiding out. I didn't want to be the next one, you know since Dan is dead. I had to just wait it out." Alex said.

 "Why is there blood all over you?" Layla asked. 

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