Phase Two

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  Once Layla got released from the hospital, Alex and Katrina picked her up and they went back to Derek's house, they needed to make a plan of how to move on passed what just happened in the last 12 hours. There really is no easy way going about this. They just lost two of their best friends, the other one got possessed, or had been working with Glenda all along, and still, they are fighting for their lives back in a way. It seemed like it was never going to end, so now it was time for Phase 2.

 "So, what are we going to do?" Layla asked sitting on the couch.

 "Well, we are clearly not out of the woods yet, because Alex is still out there, and you know we cannot really rest until he is either dead or captured." Nate explained. "So, we need another plan."

 "You sound just like Derek." Katrina said, smiling.

 "Well, he was my best friend, I know something had to rub off on me. Now, lets get to work, shall we?" Nate said.

  Smiling Katrina and Layla took a seat at the dining room table with Nate, and they began to devise a plan, not only for their safety, but for the hopeful attack, or capture of Alex. He was coming back, it was just a matter of time, but this time, they were going to be ready at all costs. It took 3 hours to come up with a fool proof plan, that actually looked somewhat legit, and once they were happy with it, they began getting things in order. Locking doors, latching and bolting windows, getting every single knife, gun, bat, and anything else lethal they could find in the house, because they already know it is going to be an ugly battle....

Begin Phase 2:

  When the clock struck 9 that evening, there was a loud banging on the door, and it sounding the the person was about to damn near kick the thing down. It happened a couple more times, and then, it finally did kick down, and standing in the doorway was Alex. However, he didn't look like himself. His skin was beginning to get cracked and grey like Glenda's and his eyes were bright red, and looked like they could burn a hole into anyone's soul if they made eye contact. He also had tears running down his cheek.

 " Alex? You look just like...." Nate's voice trailed off.

 "Like Glenda?! Hmm well lets see, I am her brother, and you killed the only living relative that I have left, I have no one now. So now it is time for me to get even, and leave you all with nothing!" Alex shouted.

 "Listen to yourself Alex! You are insane just like she is! Haven't we lost enough blood, enough lives? Think about what you are doing." Katrina said. "You are better than she is, don't live by what she did."

 "STOP TALKING. THE TIME FOR TALKING IS OVER!!" Alex shouted, and then charged at Nate with a very long sword.

  Nate swung back with a baseball bat, and knocked the sword from Alex's hand. He cried out in pain, as the bat, crushed the bones in his hand. "Well, it looks like you still have normal human feelings."

  Getting angry Alex tried to charge at him again and he knocked him in the side if the head with the bat. Then standing over him, Nate began beating Alex with the bat in the head, over and over again. Blood splattered everywhere, and even though Alex stopped moving he kept going until he felt a hand on his shoulder, Katrina was there to stop him. Once she was sure he was clear, and out of range, she pulled a gun out of her back pocket and shot Alex twice in the head, just to make double sure he was dead. Then she turned to look at Layla and Nate.

 "It is over now. We can finally try to move on with our lives." 

 "What do we do from now, from this point?" Nate asked.

 "Well, we try to forget, and just do the best that we can. It is going to be pretty damn difficult, but we will make it. We always have before, and we will now too." Katrina said. "Look at what we survived, we have a lot to be thankful for."

 "Derek was indeed with us in spirit, and I know he is watching over us now. Come on, lets get this place looking like home again, and get this mess cleaned up." Nate said.

  Then with that being said, they all started to clean up the house, and took the first steps necessary to try and rebuild their live back up. This was a new start for all of them....

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