The faker

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"13 years. 13 fucking years." That's all Aiden could think about. "It's been 13 years since I stepped into that damn machine and landed here." Aiden was now 13 years old, in this universe that is. He hated this place. Was it as violent as his world? No. Is it as weird? Yes, very much. Sentient objects, skeleton's returning from the dead and living their everyday lives as normal people, bodies in snowmen, human meat statues, robots, and everyone acts as if this were normal. This is all Aiden could think about during school. He tried his best to make him look like his old self, but all he didn't have the Mime-Boy feel, considering his jacket was bright blue and he had rabbit ears on his hood. "At least the day's done." Aiden said to himself. Now all he had to do was wait for someone. So he waited outside the school. And he waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. 3 hours went by and Aiden was ready to kill someone, if he were Mime-Boy again.

Finally he saw a yellow jeep pull up, but this only made him madder. When the jeep pulled up to him he saw the driver. A teenager with green hair, blood colored shirt, and a jacket with a fur hood. "Hey. I'm here." He said in a monotone and uninterested voice. "Where the hell were you Ted! I've been standing here for 3 hours!" Aiden screamed at Ted. A smirk grew on Ted's face and he drove off, leaving Aiden where he was. "Hey! Hey! Wait!" Aiden screamed, but to no response. Ted just left him there. "Fucking freak." Aiden said with a slight hiss to his voice. This is not the first time something like this happened. He and Ted hated each other. Ted hated Aiden because he knew Aiden as a jerk, but Aiden hated him for other reasons. Aiden hated him because Aiden hated everyone, even his own 'brother'.

Aiden let out a sigh. "Can today get any worse?" Aiden asked himself. And then, all out of no where, he was hit with something and he was covered with water. It was a water balloon. He then heard a feminine laugh. "Fucking Judy." He said to himself. "What? A little water hurt you bunny boy?" She said to him. "Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to fight with you." said Aiden. "Oh come on! You're just gonna leave me like that? Coward." She replied. Aiden simply responded with "Whatever."

Aiden had to walk home, which was on the other side of town. "Is this my punishment? To be doomed to a place I'm disgusted by?" He thought to himself. He needed to get out of here. He needed to go home. He needed to go back to being Mime-Boy again. At least there he felt normal. He just didn't know how. He did see a version of Gear from this dimension one time, but what was he to say? "Hey I'm your buddy from another dimension and I need your help to get me back!" As if. 

He eventually made it home after a long and painful walk and he slammed the front door open and went inside. He shut the door behind him and looked around to find no one. He knew his mother was probably out working. Chris was probably doing something cat related. "Chris.." Aiden thought to himself. "Dear god that guy has to be depressed, or sick, or something. No one can be that happy 24/7." He didn't exactly like Chris for he was not really his brother. Well, he is, but he sure as hell didn't feel like one. He was always obsessed with cats. Starting a war with a chick because she liked dogs. Idiots. He noticed a note on the fridge reading "Went out to go get laundry done. See you soon. Love Chris." This didn't surprise Aiden, but now he actually had time to think. He went upstairs to his room and threw his bag on his bed next to Huggles. Sometimes he feels like that thing is alive. It most likely is in this crazy world. He kept on thinking on how to get back to his world, but he did not know how. He didn't study the mechanics of the machine and he can't build it, not in this body. 

He paced around his room trying to think. He may have looked young, but he had the educated mind of an engineer and a scientist. He couldn't find any solution. He laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was beginning to lose hope. "What the hell do I do?" He was lost in this crazy world. Then it hit him like a force of nature. "Chris's book. I did dimension jump with that before. God, how could I forget that?" He thought to himself. Just like that, he jetted to Chris's room and forced the door open by banging against the handle. The room was covered floor to ceiling in anything cat related. Sometimes he wished Chris would just grow up, but that didn't matter. "Now, where is it?" He searched the room and eventually found the yellow book hidden in the far back of his underwear drawer. "I thank you Chris for this gift, but you are not smart if you are to hide a magical book under your boxers." 

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