What is lost

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Darkness surrounded Mime-Boy. He didn't know where he was nor did he bother to ask. Why bother to ask question's that you know have no answer. Mime-Boy was left alone with his thought's. "I died didn't I?" He thought. "Maybe it's for the best." Mime-Boy has committed many things that would seem unholy to survive and he has seem many horrendous things in his time in the wasteland. Gear and him weren't the only ones to not to become puppets for many others were unfortunate enough to be lucky. Most of which became scavenger's and wanderer's, but some became monsters. The Butcher, the Warlord, the Harvester, Magnum Joe, even that one guy, Nick was his name, became a monster after he was half infected. The thing about Mime-Boy though is that he has one other major title. They called him "the Executioner". The reason he was titled with such a barbaric name was because he was the executioner. He killed the monsters that roamed the wastes and lived to see the next grey sun rise that shadowed over the world. Mime-Boy thought it would bring him peace, forgiveness, something to make life worth living again, but no. Nothing ever came of it. Mime-Boy wants to redeem himself, he wants to forgive himself, he wants everything to go back to the way they were. He wants to become Aiden...

Aiden....Aiden....Aiden........"Aiden!" A voice said which jolted Aiden out of his slumber. "Good, you're awake." Aiden looked to his side to see someone standing over his bed. "Come on. It's time for breakfast." It was Chris in his usual attire. Aiden took a second to get out of bed. When he stood up he almost tumbled. Aiden felt dizzy, like he spun around a thousand times on an office chair. He took awareness of his surroundings. He was in his room and was dawned in his blue, striped pajamas. Aiden shook off this feeling and went to his closet. In his closet were an assortment of clothing, but he stuck with his usual attire. Black jeans, black sneakers, and his traditional black ghost hoodie with ears. Aiden was about ready to head to the kitchen until he heard something behind him. Aiden looked behind to greet Mr.Foofy, who just jumped onto Aidens' nightstand. "Foofy." Aiden exclaimed. "What are you doing in here?" Aiden went over to the cat and picked him up. He held the feline like you would a baby. Aiden went down the steps ever so carefully, so he wouldn't drop Foofy. There was an aroma in the air. It smelled of bacon and pancakes. Aiden went into the kitchen to meet with his brother at the table and his mother at the stove. Chris looked over to Aiden. "There you are." He said in the middle of eating. "What took so long?" He teased. Aiden looked down to Foofy and back to Chris. Chris only gave a smirk in response. Aiden let Foofy down and sat down at the table.

Almost as in on cue, his mother put a plate in front of Aiden with a stack of pancakes and bacon on it. "Thanks mom." Aiden said. Kate smiled as she sat down with her two sons to eat. Conversation consumed the three and all seemed to have a smile upon their face. All of them were happy. They all finished eating and put their dishes into the sink. "Alright you two." Kate said. "You better get going now if you don't want to be late." She picked up two school bags. One was camouflaged colored and the other was pure white. Chris took the camouflaged one and kissed his mother on the cheek. "Thanks mom." he said. Aiden took the white one and tried to kiss his mother on the cheek, but couldn't reach. He was short. His mother bent down to Aidens' level. Aiden kissed her on the cheek and followed Chris. They both exited out the front door and someone was waiting for them in front of their house. "Finally." The stranger said. "Have patience Ted." Chris said. Ted was standing there in his usual outfit and his bright yellow jeep. "I'll have patience when I'm six feet under." Ted said as he grinned. Ted walked towards Aiden and he patted Aidens' head. "How ya doing Short Round?" Ted asked. "Better than you Chia  Pet." Aiden said in response. Ted squished Aidens' face and both seemed to laugh a little. "Alright." Ted said. "Let's get going." Ted hopped into the drivers seat and Chris in the passengers. Aiden was sitting in the back.

A few minutes went by as Ted was rushing to get to his destination. He parked right out front of Aidens' school. "Get going kid." Ted demanded. "Later Aiden." Chris said. "Bye guys." Aiden said as he got out of the car. When he stepped through the brick fence Ted drove off. The school day was rather normal and went by pretty fast. Aiden was sitting at his desk doodling some things in his sketchbook. "Hey Aiden?" A feminine voice said. Aiden looked up to see his friend Judy facing him in her chair. "Yeah?" He said. "I was just wondering if maybe you want to hang out after school?" She asked. "I just got Slash Bringer 3." Aiden Leaned back in his chair. "Sure." He said. "Cool. See you at my house after school." She said as she brought her attention towards her group of friends. Aiden was excited for tonight. Not only would he be able to play Slash Bringer 3, but he would be able to spend time with Judy. Things seemed to be perfect. 

The school day was finally over and Aiden was excited. He first had to go home and do his homework, then freshen up, then he could finally go over to Judy's. Aiden walked towards the front gate and saw that Chris and Ted were on the other side of the street waiting for him. All Aiden had to do was cross over to them. He considered it to be quicker to just jaywalk than walk down the block to get to the fork. He looked both ways to see no car on either side. He tried his best to hurry to the other side. Just as he was in the middle of the road he heard a loud car horn. He looked to one side to see a car closing in at ludicrous speed. The car itself was a 1991 Ford Probe painted all black with the number 12 on both sides in white, a spoiler and two spikes resembling cat ears. He swore the car looked familiar. Aiden had no time to get out of the way. Almost immediately as he saw the car it hit him like a battering ram with jet engines. Darkness surrounded Aiden.

Mime-Boy jumped awake and hit his head on the interior roof of his car. He grabbed his head and swore in pain. "Fucking shit!" He exclaimed. Mime-Boy took his surroundings. He was in his car, he knew that, but he was on the side of a large road in a grassy field. After the pain subsided he relaxed. He looked towards the passengers seat to see it empty. Mime-Boy tried to go back to sleep. "You know you go to the weirdest places." A voice said startling Mime-Boy, which caused him to jump and his head on the interior roof again. He grabbed his head in pain once more and looked next to him. It was the Forsaken now sitting in the passenger seat. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mime-Boy asked. "I should be asking you the same question." Said the Forsaken. "Why are in the far outskirts of town?" Mime-Boy looked around to see that the city was no where to be seen on the horizon. "What happened last night?" Mime-Boy asked. "The person who was babysitting those three kids mistook you for a drug dealer and tazed you." The Forsaken explained. "You then proceeded to drive out of town and passed out on the side of the road." Mime-Boy sighed. "Can't you teleport us back?" He asked. "If I do that you would become half brain dead." The Forsaken said. "How long of a drive is it back to town then?" Mime-Boy asked. The Forsaken thought for a second. "About six hours." Mime-Boy planted his head on the wheel and exclaimed his response to his consequence. "Ah fuck."

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