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"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Kate screamed. Her face showed the expression of a stern mother, which makes sense. "Mom!" Chris yelled and ran up to her. He wrapped his arms around his mother and rested his head on her. Kate was confused and concerned for her child. She looked at the group and stared at Mime-Boy and Gear. "Who the hell are you two?!" She said with a demanding tone. Mime-Boy didn't know what to do. The original plan was to get the hell out, but it all went wrong. Kind of like how it originally went when the darkness took over his world, but that was old news. 

"I'm no one." Mime-Boy said with a dead tone, trying to slightly change his voice. To him, this was not his mother. His mother was killed by his hands. He knew he could never take that back. No matter which universe he was in, he could never fix his mistake. While all of this was going on, Gear was looking around the house. He noticed some framed pictures on the wall of the family. A lot, if not all, showed Mime-Boy, or Aiden, as this really angry kid in a bunny hoodie. "Wow Aiden! You really do hate this place if your constantly angry. Or you're just a brat." Gear said with a smug smile. Mime-Boy looked to him with fire in his eyes. "Oh shit. Right." Gear realized as he scratched his neck. 

"...Aiden?" Kate said. Mime-Boy was having a miniature freak out at this point. "Shit!" Mime-Boy said. He had to act fast. He wasn't thinking, instead he let his instincts lead the path. He ran towards the door that lead to the garage. He slammed open the door and there laid his car. A 1991 Ford Probe. It was all black with the number 12 on both sides in white. It had a spoiler and two spikes resembling cat ears on the rear of the roof. He made it into a racing car, which he used to win a NASCAR race once. Amazing that they would allow a twelve year ols to drive in a dangerous sport, but that didn't matter. Gear was chasing him and so was Ted. Mime-Boy slammed the door shut and shoved a cabinet in front of the door to block it. Mime-Boy flung open the drivers seat door and jammed the keys into the ignition. She roared to life. Mime-Boy had to wait for the garage door to open. There was banging coming from the lead door and the cabinet stayed in place, but was rocking. Finally as the garage door opened just enough for Mime-Boy to drive out, he slammed his foot onto the peddle. He swerved around his mothers car in the driveway and was out in the streets. His mother and Chris were standing in the front door frame, watching as he drove off. 

He drove for what felt like hours. Night fell a while ago. He kept thinking to himself. "What the hell am I doing?!" He thought to himself. "They're my family." He slowed down the car. "No they're not!" He contradicted. "They're just some variation of my loved ones. The reals ones died." He was fighting with himself. "They raised you! You can't just abandon them like that." He gripped the steering wheel. "They aren't them! The only pussy Chris is ever gonna get is a fucking cat and Ted is a god damn prick and I'm pretty sure he's a fucking vampire!" His face was burning with rage. "They're like that because of you! You would never act kind. Always being rude and never showing compassion for anything other than the things you wanted!" He was shaking violently. "I wanted to go home!" His teeth were grinding. "What home?! What is left for you there!? Rubble?! Ashes?! Lifeless puppets without a master?! A dead mother?! YOU HAVE NOTHING THERE!" He slammed on the brakes and quickly pulled onto the side of the road. 

He pushed open the car door and bolted out of the car to the side. "FUCK!" He screamed to the air. No one was around him. He started punching his car. After a few punches his fist started to hurt. He gripped his hand in pain. "Damn it! I miss my metal glove. I forget what's called." He held onto his hand in pain. That was a stupid idea. It was quiet. The only noise being his breathing. The stray cats wandered the streets and the pigeons flew in the open sky. The street lights flickered. Mime-Boy watched all of this. A little blood dripped from his knuckles and one spec of blood was about to hit the concrete, but it slowed down and eventually stopped in mid air. The cats stopped wandering and the birds stopped flying. They were all stuck in suspended animation, as if time itself stopped. Mime-Boy still walked though. He was the only one not suspended. He looked and saw the world halt. He was surprised and confused, like a rat in a maze with no cheese. 

"A little late isn't to injure yourself? People are trying to sleep." A voice said behind Mime-Boy. He turned around to see him and his strange mask. The Forsaken has come to see him, but he looked different. He wasn't taller, but shorter. To the average adult size. He had a head this time, and the mask was held on by straps. He was human. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mime-Boy asked. "I want to talk Aiden." The Forsaken spoke. Mime-Boy sighed. "What do you want?" He said. The Forsaken sat on the hood of the car. "What's on your mind?" The Forsaken spoke. "No wait. I can already tell." Mime-Boy was silent. "You're angry, but you need to realize that this is a gift." The Forsaken explained. "A gift?" Mime-Boy was confused. "What gift?" The Forsaken stood up. "Let me explain. There is one way to travel the multiverse, opening doors that lead to other dimensions. The first time you were in the great hall I ignored you and left you alone. But the very first time you jumped dimensions grabbed my attention." The Forsaken explained. "Because you managed to escape through the doors and created a temporary access tunnel, but you were in danger." The Forsaken spoke. "What kind of danger?" Mime-Boy asked. "You were going to land in a war zone that would soon become the adaptation of hell. I pulled you out of there in time. I knew who you were. And everything you lost." The Forsaken ended on a dead note. 

Mime-Boy began to remember all the things he had. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm the Forsaken." The Forsaken answered. "But I know that that is not the answer you want, but I cannot tell you, not now. I can tell you little details." The Forsaken spoke. "My name is Alex Jones. I lived in a New York apartment building and I worked as a cook at some garbage restaurant. How I became the Forsaken is another story." Mime-Boy sat on the hood of the car. "Just one more question." He said. "If you pulled you me out, then you put me here. Why?" The Forsaken sat next to him. "Because I thought you could start again. Have a whole new life, but the same as before. With no disaster. I copied your molecules and disguised myself as some average guy and found your mother in this universe, and everything went from there." The Forsaken spoke. "...Don't fucking tell me." Mime-Boy said. "Oh come on. Why?" He was sort of disgusted at the realization that he's the one who put him in this world that way. "Yes, I did impregnate  your mother, but that was only so you could live. She believes some guy at a party was the one to bang her after they both got piss drunk." The Forsaken explained. "Hold on..." Mime-Boy came to a realization. "Does that mean you're... my father?" He asked. "...In some way, yes I am." 

Mime-Boy looked down as he hung his head. This was a heavy hitter. He put his hands on face and softly said "oh my god." in disbelief. "Yeah. Heavy stuff I know." The Forsaken said as he put his hand on Mime-Boy's back. "I guess that explains why you weren't around. Off watching the universe." Mime-Boy said. "Mime-Boy." The Forsaken said. "Aiden." Mime-Boy looked to the Forsaken. The Forsaken removed his mask. "I have been with you." For a moment he wasn't the Forsaken, he was Alex Jones. He had black hair and a goatee. His facial structure was almost the sames as Mime-Boy's. "I disguise myself and I watch you from afar. Just out of sight. Sometimes I disguise myself as some of your classmates, and one time your teacher." Alex explained. "I have never left your side since the day you were born." Mime-Boy couldn't believe this. All this time he had a father right by his side, and he never knew. A few moments of silence fell over the two. Alex let go of Mime-Boy. Mime-Boy couldn't resist and he wrapped his arms around Alex, but it wasn't out of anger. It was out of love. He was hugging him. Alex hugged back. The two stayed like that for a few seconds. Mime-Boy slowly let go and so did Alex. "Now then. I suppose I should let the clocks tick." Alex said. "Yeah." Mime-Boy said. 

Alex stood up and grabbed his mask. He held it by his side. "Hey." Mime-Boy said. "It's good to finally meet you, dad." Alex smiled, a real one this time. "It's good to finally meet you too, Aiden." Alex said before he back his mask. "By the way." The Forsaken spoke. "Yeah?" Mime-Boy said. "You got another problem up ahead." The Forsaken spoke right before he vanished into a black cloud of ash. Time was restored. The stray cats roamed and the birds flew. Mime-Boy looked around and saw three people standing in the light with a look of disbelief on their faces. A green haired machine wearing a sweater with a green dinosaur on it, a girl with a long ponytail and a fork sign on her dress, ....and Judy. "Aiden?" The machine asked. Mime-boy had another issue to deal with. He had one thing to say about the situation. "Ah fuck."

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