Close encounters

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Today had its up's and down's. Had an argument with his family and met his father, but now his secret is revealed to his so called "friends". Mime-Boy had to think of something. "Sorry kid." He said. "I don't know who you're talking about." Mime-Boy leaned on the side of his car. The robot and the fork girl bought it thinking it was just an overactive imagination, but Judy knew better. She's known Aiden since first grade and she knows he's not a persuasive liar. She walked towards Mime-Boy with confidence in her step. "Now little lady." Mime-Boy said. "It's not wise to walk towards a stranger." She didn't listen to him. "January 6th of fifth grade." She was saying the one thing that she knew would get under Aidens skin. "Don't you fucking dare." Mime-Boy said under his breath, but she went on. "Aiden was suppose to present to the class his review on the book he read." Mime-Boy was getting irritated now. "But of course, Aiden being the scared kid he is, he-" Before she could finish her sentence Mime-Boy covered her mouth with his palm. "Fuck it." Mime-Boy thought to himself. "Everyone else knows and I'll be out of this world soon enough." He removed his hand to reveal a smirk stretched across her face. Mime-Boy sighed. "What do you want Judy?" 

"There is no way that is my son." Kate said. Ted, Chris, Kate and Gear were on the search for Aiden. They took Teds car because it had more room for the four. Kate and Chris were in the back seat, Ted was driving and Gear was in the passenger seat drinking a slushy. "Mom. I can assure you that's Aiden." Chris said. "It can't be." Kate said. "Where is Aiden damn it?" She demanded. "Mom we're not playing games." Chris tried to calm her down. Ted was trying to focus on the road in the middle of the night. Gear was rather calm about this whole situation. "How can you be so calm?" Ted asked. "Hm?" Gear mumbled. "Oh! Mime-Boy is a survivor. He'll be just fine." He took another sip of his slushy. "Why do you keep calling him Mime-Boy?" Ted asked. It took a second for Gear to respond. "Because he can't talk." Ted looked briefly to Gear. "What do you mean he can't talk?" Ted asked. "He can't talk." Gear responded. "He lost his voice when everything went to shit. I made that collar for him so it could mimic speech." Gear put his feet up on the dashboard. "What exactly happened over there?" Ted asked. "Can't say I know the full story." Gear said. "All I know for sure is that there was this bright light and then everything was gone." Ted stayed quiet for a second. "Then why would Aiden want to go back there?" Ted asked. "My guess is so we can try again." Gear explained. "I made a machine that can transfer a being to another dimension by making them go through the whole birth process again. But to be honest I don't know if it worked or not." Gear said. "How come?" Ted asked. "Remember that guy with the mask?" Gear asked. "My guess is that he's someone important. I don't know if that guy caught Mime-Boy or not, but I do know that he got through." Ted stopped at a stop light. "You're very smart for someone your age." Ted complimented. "You have to be." Gear said. "But I still can't get that fucking robot working." He said as he scratched his beard. Gear pulled the sun visor down and opened the mirror. "Do you think I need a shave?" Gear asked. "Kinda." Ted responded. "You look like a bum." Gear only responded with a grunt. The two were silent for a moment. "Hey Gear." Chris said as he poked Gears shoulder from behind. "Can I ask you a question?" Gear looked behind him. "You just did." Gear said with a smirk. "Whatever." This didn't phase Chris. "Can you explain this for us?" Chris handed the photo of him, Ted and Aiden at the fair. "Ah yes. Mime-Boys glory days." Gear said as he looked at the photo. "I didn't know Mime-Boy before shit hit the fan, but he has told me that life was good. He had friends, family, all that. He was happy." The car was silent for a moment. Ted pulled the car over on the side of the street. "Why are we stopping?" Kate asked. "Aiden has a car and I'm sure he has fighting experience." Ted explained. "It's late. We don't know where he is and we still don't have any idea on what the hell is going on." The car was silent once more. "It's best if we just call it a night and start again tomorrow." Ted suggested.

"Are you really from another dimension?" The machine asked "Yes, Dino." Mime-Boy asked with an irritated tone. "For the thousand time, I'm from another dimension." Mime-Boy explained the short version of what happened. "If you're a warrior, then I must have been royalty." Judy said with sarcasm. She didn't believe most of it. "Actually you were the same." Mime-Boy said. "Mostly everything was the same. Except for the wacky shit. I know Dino didn't exist." This caught Dino and Forks attention. "What do you mean I don't exist?" Dino asked. "You were never finished." Mime-Boy explained. "My Gear could never figure out how to get you working with the materials he had." Mime-Boy sat down on the hood of his car. "What materials did he have?" The girl with the fork dress asked. "Whatever he could scavenge Fork." Mime-Boy explained. "What do you mean whatever he could scavenge?" Fork asked. "Dino was made with stuff from the workshop, not stuff from the trash." Mime-Boy leaned back on his car. "Where I'm from, there is rarely any comfort and you scavenge for anything." Judy looked to Mime-Boy. "Why's that?" Mime-Boy got back up and gave a dreaded look to Judy. "The end of the world." He said. The child mind works in various ways, but most of the time it gets curious and starts asking questions. The three started to bombard Mime-Boy with questions about the end. Some were worried about the end and the rest were what it was like. Mime-Boy had one thought on the situation he dug himself into. "Ah fuck."

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