Out there

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"Goddamn it! What the hell was that?!" Mime-Boy hissed as he grabbed the back of his head in pain. He looked behind him and looked down to see a cardboard box. On the box was a note that read "Thought you might need this." with no signature. "What the hell?" Mime-Boy says. Mime-Boy picked up the box and shook it. He opened the box to find a yellow book. "Oh shit!" Mime-Boy exclaimed joyfully. He pulled the book from the box and flipped through the pages. "We got it back motherfucker!" Mime-Boy said "Thank the Forsaken." He said as he realized who sent it.

Ted and Chris were listening in on the conversation. They got up to the point of which that Mime-Boy suggested to kill them. "They're gonna fucking kill us man!" Chris said quietly to Ted. "Shit." Ted exclaimed. "What the hell are we gonna do?!" Chris exclaimed. Ted thought about his solutions. Either stay here and get killed, or get the hell out of here. "Come on." He said to Chris and walk toward the exit. Chris followed behind him. "Where are we going?" Chris asked. "I don't know. Anywhere, but here." Ted said. Ted and Chris climbed the ladder to the exit and lifted opened the hatch. Chris took one last look around. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Chris asked. "It's either get out or die." Ted exclaimed. "Okay." Chris said nervously.

The two exited the bunker and Ted shut the hatch. He made sure it was tightened enough to buy them time. Chris was looking over this world and saw how lifeless it was. "What?" Chris said softly under his breath. Ted stood next to Chris. The two looked over the grey-ridden city. "Come on." Ted said as he walked down the hill toward the city. "Where are we going?" Chris asked. "I don't know." Ted said. The two moved toward the city. Leaving Mime-Boy and Gear alone.

As the duo were entering the city limits, they noticed how barren the city was. It was quiet with no one around. "Where is everyone?" Ted asked. They were in the mists of the city and still no one. They walked around for a little bit and then heard something move as they were about to cross an alleyway. "What the hell?" Chris thought. The two looked down the alleyway to see someone standing there. Not moving, not looking at them, just standing there. The two approached slowly toward the figure and realized it was a girl. She looked like a teenager and had ponytails. Her clothes were gray and black like the rest of this world. "Hello? Miss?" Ted said as he slowly reached out his hand. "Are you okay?" The woman didn't react. "Hey!" Ted said as he grabbed the girls shoulder and turned her around to see her face. Her face was lifeless. She had grey skin and her eyes were just like that of the bird. Empty and white. Drool was coming from her mouth. She didn't react. Ted stared at her in disbelief. Chris, however, was analyzing her. "Betty?" Chris asked. "Betty?" Ted exclaimed and looked to Chris. "That's Betty?" Ted pointed to Betty. "Yeah. I can tell my own enemy." Chris explained. "What the hell happened to her?" 

The two looked at her trying to figure out what happened. Eventually she walked away without even acknowledging them, like she didn't know they were there. As she walked off, she kept tripping and bumping into stuff. Chris put a smirk on his face. Ted just starred and was deep in thought. Ted eventually had an idea. "Hey Chris!" Ted said. "If Betty is here, then are we here?" Chris looked to Ted and started to turn the gears in his head. "I don't know. Probably?" Chris said. Ted looked into space for a little while. "Should we see if the house is here?" Ted asked. "Maybe?" Chris said. "Kind of worried to be honest." The duo walked out of the alleyway and moved down the street. "We need a car." Ted suggested. "Yeah." Chris agreed. The two looked around and eventually saw a car with an open door. "There!" Ted pointed out the car. The car looked familiar to Ted. Chris jumped into the car and over the arm rest into the passenger seat. Ted jumped into the drivers seat and shut the door. "What's that smell?" Chris asked. Ted sniffed to see what Chris smelled. "Is that.. watermelon?" Ted realized. Ted analyzed the interior of the car. "Hold on. This is my car!" Ted realized. "Why the hell is my car here?" Ted asked. "I don't know. Does that mean your key works or not?" Chris asked. "Maybe?" Ted said as he pulled out his keys and inserted the car key into the ignition and turned it. It worked. "Shit." Ted said in a surprised tone. 

The two drove down the streets towards their houses. Ted was deep in thought about what is happening. Chris was just staring out the window. They passed familiar places. The school, the park, their workplace. Chris was checking around the car for anything that could be of use. He lowered the sun visor and something fell out onto his lap. He picked it up to find out it was a photo. The photo pictured him, Ted, and Aiden. But something was different. They appeared to be at a fair. Chris and Ted had on their usual outfits, but Aiden was different. He had on a black sweatshirt and a white backpack, the same one he was wearing before. He wasn't grey and looked rather young. And he was smiling. He was happy. As he looked closer at the photo he realized that Ted had his arm on Aiden's shoulder. They were friendly to each other. "What are you looking at?" Ted asked. "A photo. You may want to see this." Chris handed the photo to Ted. "What the hell?" Ted said as he briefly looked at the photo to focus on driving. "I know!" Chris exclaimed. "There's something this 'Mime-Boy' is not telling us." Ted said. "I don't want to find out." Chris exclaimed. 

The two eventually reached their house's. Ted parked in his driveway and the two got out of the car. They looked around to see that everything was just as dead as the rest of this place. "Dear god." Chris said. The windows to both house's showed that the lights were off. Chris looked over to his house to see that the front door was open. Someone stepped out of the house. They were tall and wore a familiar set of clothing. It was Ted, this universes version. He looked just as lifeless as Betty was. "Ted!" Chris caught his friends attention. "Look at this." Ted looked to see what Chris wanted him to see. "Holy shit!" Ted exclaimed. The lifeless Ted moved slowly and tripped his way out of the door frame. The duo approached slowly. Chris walked over lifeless Ted. Ted just stared at his zombie-like counterpart. 

Chris entered the house. He looked around to see a nearly broken home with glass on the floor and dents in the walls. He walked into the kitchen to see someone sitting at the table. "Hello?" He asked. He went around to the side of the table to find a lifeless version of him. He stared at it wide-eyed. "Oh my god." Chris exclaimed. Ted walked in on Chris. "What the hell is happening?" Ted asked. "I'm freaking out." Chris pointed out. The house filled with silence. Then Ted felt something pull on his hood. It startled him and gave a small shout. He turned around to see Mime-Boy with an angry expression on his face and Gear behind him. "What the fuck went through your god damn head?!" Mime-Boy screamed at them. Chris tried to escaped, but tripped and fell onto the floor. Ted just stood there shocked. "H-how did you find us?" Ted asked stuttering. "Where else would you fucking go?!" Mime-Boy exclaimed. Chris tried to get up, but Gear picked him up and held him by the shirt.

Chris was scared out of his mind. "Calm down you god damn pussy! We're not gonna kill you." Gear said to try and calm down Chris. "You're not gonna kill us?" Ted said relieved at this. "No." Mime-Boy said. "Oh thank god." Chris said as he finally could feel relaxed and not worry. "What happened here?" Ted asked. "That's for us to know and you to forget." Mime-Boy said. Ted understood and he also didn't want to know. "Where's mom?" Chris asked and everyone looked to him. "Where is she? If everyone else is here, then where is she?" Mime-Boy was quiet and stared at Chris. "Dead." Mime-Boy said with a sad and monotone voice. "She turned into one of these things and..." He couldn't finish his sentence. "And?" Chris asked. "He shot her. He didn't want her to suffer, but he couldn't kill you or Ted. He didn't have the heart." Gear said. Chris and Ted looked to Mime-Boy and Chris had a face of disbelief and almost anger. "Doesn't matter now. Let's just get this over with." Mime-Boy said. He said the spell to open a door to the multiverse. A door appeared and it looked the same as before. Mime-Boy opened the door.

"You.. You bastard!" Chris screamed and lunged at Mime-Boy. Both of them stumbled through the door. Ted jumped in trying to pull Chris away, but ended up getting into the brawl. Gear followed behind him. Next to them stood the Forsaken watching. The three pushed themselves through the red door into the other universe. Gear and the Forsaken looked at each other and Gear just shrugged and followed behind. "I gotta be more careful about who I let through." The Forsaken exclaimed. The four were in the other universe. They all were in Aiden's old room and eventually made their way into the hallway. They all tripped down the stairs and Gear just watched these idiots go at each other. They stood up and were about to start again, until they heard something drop. The all looked over to see plastic bags with food in them on the floor in front of the front door. There also stood a woman with a green and black dress, black short hair, and white earrings. She had a shocked and surprised look on her face. It was Chris and Aiden's mother, Kate. Mime-Boy couldn't believe what was happening, so he let out a final comment on this current moment. "Ah fuck."

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