Brotherly love

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Silence. If fell over the two as they just stared at each other. Finally, Mime-Boy broke the silence. "Chris. I know this looks bad, and it is, but I can explain." He couldn't explain for Chris lunged at him. Mime-Boy jumped out of the way of his brother and Chris slammed against the red door. That didn't stop him though for he jumped back up and punched Mime-Boy across the cheek, which sent him stumbling back. "Where's my brother?!" Chris screamed. Mime-Boy grabbed his face and spoke. "God damn it." Mime-Boy composed himself. "Where's my brother?!" Chris screamed again. 

Chris was blocking the door to escape. "Chris. Get out of the way." Mime-Boy said to his brother. "Where's my brother?!" Chris screamed again. "Get out of the way!" Mime-Boy screamed and lunged at Chris. The two struggled with each other. Punches were thrown and many objects went flying and knocked onto the floor. It eventually ended with Mime-Boy being knocked out the window. He landed in a bush. That may have softened his fall, but it still hurt.

"Damn it Chris." Mime-Boy said standing up from. His foot hurt. He hissed in pain from trying to apply his weight on it. "I need to get back to the door. No matter what." Mime-Boy thought to himself. He tried to walk, but just ended up limping. He made his way to the back of the house, which took longer than normal. He was so close to the back door of the house. Just as he was almost there, the door flung open with his brother barging out. "Oh come on." Mime-Boy said. Chris charged at him and tackled him onto the ground. "Where's my brother?!" Chris screamed again and laid a punch onto Mime-Boy's chest. Mime-Boy exhausted some air when he was hit. "Where's my brother?!" Chris screamed once more trying to punch Mime-Boy again. However, Mime-Boy grabbed Chris's hand before he could hit him and held it back. "I am your brother! You freak!" Mime-Boy screamed.

Silence fell over the two. "Aiden?" Chris said, finally realizing who he was fighting. "No shit Sherlock." Aiden said with a little resentment in his tone. Chris got up and moved back slowly. Aiden got back up and dusted himself off. "Aiden? What the hell happened to you?" Chris said. "Well. You tried to kill me." Mime-Boy said "No. I mean.. This. What happened to you?" Chris said trying to find the right words. Mime-Boy sighed. "Listen Chris. I'm not really your brother. I never was. I'm not from this universe. And I used your book to try and get me back." Mime-Boy explained. "And you stopped me." He said, getting closer to Chris. Just then a third person entered the scene and stood in the archway of the door. "Yo Chris! I'm here." It was Ted. Chris must have contacted him after Mime-Boy fell. Ted looked to Mime-Boy and stared. "The fuck happened to Aiden?" Ted Said. "Wow! I like how the one person I hate the most recognized me, but my own brother couldn't." Mime-Boy said to Chris. "Whatever. I'm done with you two. I'm leaving." Mime-Boy said walking away from the two and back to the door. 

Before he went through the back door he kicked Ted hard in the crotch region and Ted fell to the ground in pain. "Always wanted to do that." Mime-Boy said to Ted. Chris ran over to Ted to try and help him up. Mime-Boy did not look back and went upstairs to his room. He looked to old pictures of him and his family that were hung up on the wall. Mime-Boy didn't react to the pictures, but rather what he used to look like and what he's leaving behind. What about school? What about his life? What about his mother? He cared for his mother, but she was barely around. "I've been dreaming of this day for a long time. I can't throw it away." He said to himself and stepped in front of the red door. "It's now or never." He opened the door and was met with the infinite hallway of doors. The metal door to his universe was still open and waiting for him. He was about to enter. 

"You son of bitch!" Ted screamed and tackled Mime-Boy into the red door. They were in the gateway of the multiverse with Chris right behind him. "You are not taking this from me!" Mime-Boy screamed and landed a punch onto Ted's face. Ted spat some blood out and was ready to punch Mime-Boy. "Enough!" A voice thundered throughout the hall and Ted was pushed back by nothing. Out of nowhere came the Forsaken. He was taller and more sharper. "I will not have this in my terrain! Got it!" spoke the Forsaken. "Yes Forsaken. I understand. I am sorry." Mime-Boy said to the Forsaken. The Forsaken responded with "Good." and vanished in an ash cloud. Mime-Boy looked to the metal door. "It's now or never." He thought to himself. He sprinted to the door at full force with Chris and Ted chasing behind him. He entered the door and tried to shut it behind him, but Ted and Chris barged in before it was about to shut. When it did shut, the door disappeared in an ash cloud. Ted and Chris were in Mime-Boy's world now. The two people he didn't want here. Mime-Boy only had one thought race through his mind. "Ah fuck."

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