Chapter 9

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The following day, I went about my regular routine. Though I woke up a little later than usual because Jia and I talked a lot about each other's day last night without realizing it was already too late.

I was preparing a coffee for a customer when the wind chimes rang, signaling that someone had just entered the café.

My gaze shifted to whoever that was and saw a woman all covered up from head to toe. Her figure looks familiar. Is she the same person from yesterday?

When she reached the counter, she was immediately attended to by one of my co-workers.

"Iced caramel macchiato, please,"

Ah, I'm not wrong. That was really her.

Not that I'm judging, nor it was my nature to be mindful of other people's appearance, but I just find it odd why she needs to cover herself so much. Is she even comfortable with her get-up?

I then just shrugged off the thought after seconds and pressed the button that would send a signal to the customer's beeper I made a coffee for.

I was simply working when I sensed someone observing me. I turned to where I felt it coming from and saw the same woman. She tried to look away quickly, but it was too late since I already caught her.

I just frowned subtly and quickly dismissed it because maybe she didn't mean to look at us either. Or perhaps watching baristas make coffee entertains her. Yeah, maybe that. I remember behaving similarly when I was just starting to like cafés.

I don't find it creepy anyway... I just feel.. really conscious.

The following days brought about nothing particularly noteworthy. Jia and I haven't spoken with each other in a while since she's been too busy with her work. I also haven't seen the woman who always visits the café fully covered since the other day. And since I had grown accustomed to seeing her every day for a whole week, I now wonder why she quit frequenting the café.

Why do I care so much? I don't know either. Maybe I just find her really intriguing. Also, I found her aura familiar, but I can't pinpoint to whom I've known that similar aura she gives.

"First day of classes in a new university tomorrow— AAAA! I'm so excited!" Maia exclaimed as she stretched her arms.

She and I just finished organizing stuff for tomorrow's start of the academic year. I'm aching to get my ass to bed since it's already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and I want to get to bed early to get enough rest for tomorrow.

To be honest, I'm kind of nervous about what's about to come on my first day in this new university we enrolled in. Maia and I are going to be exposed to a new environment. Somewhere I suppose to be different from what we were accustomed to.

Just the thought of the possibility that professors at Seoul University could be more terror than the ones I had in Australia is already enough to send light shivers down my spine.

"Are you still keeping in touch with Jia?" I turned to Maia after hearing her speak as we both walked to our own rooms.

"Not really these past few days. I figured Jia might be super busy with work, so I decided not to send her a message unless she message me first," I shrugged.

"Huh?!" She looked at me with wide eyes, so I raised a brow at her. "No way, Lei! Won't you at least send her a simple 'how are you'?"

"I'm actually itching to do that, but I don't want to come off clingy!" I pouted.

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