Steve Rogers

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(AN: Hi this is one of my own but I haven't had any requests yet, but that's ok! I'll continue to update some random ones)

Imagine that you have been captured by Hydra during TWS and Steve is trying to save you.

Your POV

You wake up, your vision hazy, not knowing where you are. It seems like you're in some type of cell. Suddenly, the door opens with a creak, and you manage to scramble to the corner.

"What do you want from me?" You say weakly.

"(Y/N), we don't want you. You are nothing to us. We want your boyfriend." Somebody says from above.

They captured you so they could get to Steve Rogers. Use you as bait, and he would have noticed something was up and went searching for you.

"I'll leave her to you." The taller man says while leaving, and another man with a metal arm enters the cell.

The first strike came as a shock. The second was worse.

And then, you began to lose count of how many times the man had beaten.

That was when you looked up, and looked the man in the eyes. You were on the edge of passing out, and there was just enough time to say,



Steve's POV

I knew something was wrong the moment I left the S.H.I.E.L.D meeting. That gut feeling was right, my girlfriend, (Y/N) was gone.

I called Natasha, and she was already searching for (Y/N) as well. We decided to meet up and find her together.

"Steve, I think she's been captured by Hydra. I don't know who else it could be, but I just have that feeling." She says, stashing knives into her pockets.

"Me too. I know where Hydra's base is, so we might as well start looking there."

I go to walk down the alleyway, but Natasha stops me.

"This is dangerous, Steve. You might be killed!"

"I will do anything to find (Y/N). Come on. Let's go."


(Still Steve's POV)

It was somewhat easier than I thought to sneak in to a Hydra base. Once we had disarmed the guards and shut down the security cameras, we moved through the corridor until we found a long row of cells.

"Do you think she's down here?" I whisper, and Natasha nods.

We walked silently down the rows of cells, and as I got further and further, I could hear crying, and it sounded a lot like (Y/N).


You were crying softly, hot tears streaming down your face. That man had truly beaten the crap out of you. Then, you heard faint footsteps, and you stiffen, hoping it wasn't another Hydra agent.

Instead, a fuzzy, familiar face appeared.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Steve's voice was so quiet you could barely make out what he was saying.

And soon enough, he was carrying you down the corridor, your body aching with every single step he took.

"Thank you." You manage to say before everything goes dark.

(AN: Hope you enjoyed! Requests, anyone? I'm also making a multi fandom imagines book as well so if you have any ideas, feel free to message me multi fandom imagines! I'll update this soon :3)

Marvel Imagines - (REQUESTS OPEN)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant