Chapter 6

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Hey again duckies! The journal entries are all in Klaus' POV and just explains his feelings when:

-He first met Tatia, the original doppelganger

-Esther, the original witch, told him of his real father, a werewolf

-When they lost Henrik

-He turned off his humanity and became a pre-hybrid (is that right?)

Read on.


I'm tangled in the black silky sheets. Klaus is lying next to me planting soft kisses along my jaw with his hair messy and sticking up in every direction. He is rubbing circles along my stomach. Our legs are tangled together. My hair is all over the place and my eyes are slightly closed just listening to his soft breathing against my neck.

I shift over to face Klaus. He has on a crooked grin. He kisses my shoulder, my neck, my jaw, my cheeks, my nose, my forehead and pulls me in for a long, passionate kiss on my lips. My heart thumps violently against my chest. I respond immediately to the kiss and he pulls me closer.

We didn't have sex. We just had a VERY heated make-out session. The closest we got to 'naked' was his boxers and my under garments left on. I don't mind though. I want to wait.

I pull away from Klaus' warmth and wrap myself in his white cotton robe.

"Where are you going, love?" Klaus asks.

"I'm just going downstairs." I smirk and sway my hips. He growls before pulling me back and attacking my lips once more. I smile into the kiss and pull away walking down the marble staircase where my blouse and Klaus' dark cardigan lay on the ground. The large house is silent and empty. So empty, you can hear a pin drop.

I'm just about to grab some snacks and race back upstairs but the doorbell sounds. I grab mine and Klaus' shirt and hide them. The doorbell goes off again but more urgently. I rush over and swing the door open.

A young girl, human, stand there with straight brunette hair and brown eyes. She's standing there with another girl, a witch, that looks like the first girl just with dark skin (trying not to be racist i swear).

"Mikaelson residence." I joke but I guess it's not a good time to be joking because they have serious expressions. I look at the two of them. "Uh oh. What did Klaus do?"

"Nothing. Yet." The darker girl says. "Who are you anyway?"

"Just a friend of his." I lie... I think I'm lying. I don't know. Klaus hasn't explained if we're more than friends now. The two girls keep staring at me like an alien with five heads.

"Klaus... has friends?" Bitch 2 asks Bitch 1 (what? i dont know their names).

"I take that as an offense, Bonnie." I hear the all too familiar British accent coming up from behind me. So Bitch 2 is now Bonnie. Check... Now who is Bitch 1? "Now, Elena. What brings you here?" Now Bitch 1 is Elena.

"I have some buisness to discuss involving Tyler." She says. She looks at me, "And sorry for being rude but who is she?"

"This is--"

"Klaus, darling. I can talk for myself." I wave his voice away. I turn to Elena and Bonnie. "Hi. I am Isabella-Marie Elizabeth Carver. A 920 year old vampire that can kick-ass." I smirk.

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