Jonah : Soulmates

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~ Y/N POV~

Y/N threw her door open and stood in the doorway of her house, she threw her keys down and slammed the door behind her. She opened her fridge and saw empty shelves. She sighed angrily and closed the door. Her eyes focused on a note on the fridge from her best friend reminding her about the date that she had set Y/N up on.

Her week had been a terrible one: she was late for work almost everyday, her car had broken down on Tuesday, someone spilled coffee over her on Wednesday, the car repair shop calle don Thursday and said that fixing her car was going to cost more than she thought and more than she could pay, today was the last straw - she almost got fired for yelling at a client.

Y/N sat down on the kitchen stools and put her head in her hands and let a few tears run down her face. She closed her eyes a bit and tried to calm down a bit. The date today was the only thing that she had been looking forward to. Jake was a friend of Y/B/N and Y/N had met him a few times and he wasn't that bad of a guy but she knew he wasn't the one.

In a world of soulmates and connections made in heaven, it was extremely difficult to find your soulmate. Most never find theirs, and Y/N didn't think that she could find hers.

Y/N lifted her head up after some time and decided that she should start getting ready for the date. She slumped her way upstairs and threw her closet door open and sighed, dishearteningly.

She sat at the table in the fancy restaurant that Jake had picked to meet her in. She sipped on the complimentary glass of water and played with the ends of the table cloth. Jake was supposed to arrive 5 minutes ago, but the traffic was terrible so he might be stuck in it.

30 minutes later and Jake still hadn't arrived or even texted her to tell her to cancel or postpone. She sat at the table and started to scan around the restaurant, she checked her phone to see if she got the address wrong, but she hadn't. She was in the right place.

1 hour later, she had been sitting at the stupid table for over an hour and a half. Y/N ran her fingers over the leaf tattoo on her wrist absentmindedly. The waitress gave her an apologetic smile as Y/N sighed before getting up and gathering her stuff and walking out the door.

"Stupid Jake, stupid boss, stupid me. Why did I listen to Y/B/N? I could've stayed at home and eaten ice cream but instead I sat at a nice restaurant and made a complete fool of myself." She grumbled as she walked out the door and tried to turn on her phone only to find that it was dead.

"Damn it!" Y/N sighed and walked in the direction of her apartment. She walked down the road and cursed. She kept her head down and walked. She only looked up when she felt a drop of water land on her head.

"Really? Is the universe against me this week or what?" Y/N yelled at the sky. She held her hands above her head and ran towards her apartment. She kept her eyes on the ground, to make sure she didn't trip, and she didn't see someone run into her.

"Shit!" she cried. She slammed into the stranger and hit the floor right after. Her phone slid from her grasp and into a puddle. She sat up and glared at the stranger. "Can you watch where you are going?" 

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." The man looked up and met her eyes. His eyes widened as he reached down to touch his hand. Y/N felt a burning sensation on her hand and cradled it in her other hand.

"What the hell?" The man whispered, Y/N could barely hear him as the rain poured down on them. The man got up and held out his hand to her, Y/N sighed and took it. As soon their hands touched, Y/N felt almost at peace. All of her angry and sad feelings fell away and she looked up at the stranger.

"You are my soulmate." He whispered. Y/N shakily nodded and the man grinned up at her and she found herself grinning back at him. She looked down and noticed that they were still holding hands. She let go and immediately felt the loss of peace and all of her emotions came back.

"Yeah, I am. Can we please get out of the rain though?"

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