Jonah: Promise

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I'm changing the style of writing for a bit, please tell me which way you like best


Jonah hasn't been properly happy since his mom got diagnosed with cancer, although she pulled through and is cancer-free now, he isn't happy. Years into high school, he found Y/N, a quiet girl that didn't talk to many people or do sports. He became best friends with her and slowly he fell in love with her.

Fast forward a couple years, Why Don't We formed and he slowly forgot about the quiet girl from Minnesota. Years later, he grows deeper and deeper into depression and only smiles when he is with the fans. At home with the boys, he shuts himself away in the room he shares and only comes out when he has too. The boys are worried about him and his health. They have a called his family multiple times and they couldn't do anything.

At one of the last shows of the tour, Y/n came to see her best friend's band's show with her younger sister. She misses the late night text convos she used to have with Jonah, she knows that he is battling with depression - he has even talked about committing suicide before but she was there to stop him each of those times.

After the show, Daniel and Corbyn recognised her from Jonah's pictures in his room. Y/N recognised the 2 boys from one of the visits they gave Jonah in high school. "Jonah is very sick and I'm sure you know about that." Corbyn says, softly so no fans can hear. The girl nods and the follows the boys to the bus that they were staying in. They show her where his bunk is and distract her younger sister. "Jonah?" she says softly. He turns over the other way, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. "Jonah?" she says again, getting a but louder this time. He still doesn't say anything. "Jonah Marais Roth Frantichz get up and speak to me." she says, not taking no for an answer. Jonah opens the curtains and sees his best friend standing there with her arms crossed.

The boy jumps up and tackles her into a hug. He puts his head into her neck and starts to cry. Y/N, knowing how to deal with this, she just lets him cry his weak heart out. The other boys come in and watch how she handles him. Jonah stops crying slowly, and looks her in the eyes. He puts his head back in the crook of her neck and smiles sadly. After a while the boys go to bed and leave Jonah and Y/N alone, while Y/N's younger sister goes to sleep on one of the extra beds.

"Jonah? You okay?" Y/N asks. He lifts his head up and lets go of the girl. He looks down at the ground. Y/N notices that it has been a long time since they have talked about how he is doing. She grabs his hands and says that he shouldn't be worried and that the boys are there to help him. She helps him to bed and tucks him in. She kisses her head and goes to sleep with her sister.

The next day

Jonah and Corbyn were the first ones up and Corbyn is trying to talk to Jonah but he isn't listening. The other boys wake up and come and sit down, silence fills the bus as they wait for Y/N to come and explain. The other boys get tired of silence and start talking. Jonah stays quiet, waiting for Y/N to come and help him explain. Y/N's sister comes first and starts talking to Jack. Soon Y/N come out and sits right next to Jonah. She grabs his hands and kisses him on the forehead.
"You ready to tell them?" The older girl whispers. The oldest boy and nods and stands up and the rest of the people stand there watching him.
"When my mom got diagnosed with cancer, I thought I was losing my best friend, that thought never left me. Even when she was cancer free, I was scared of it coming back. That thought has kept me from being who I really am. Some days it's like it was there all over again, those are the days that I don't speak or come out or anything. I've been wanting to tell you guys since we started the band but I couldn't because my mind would say you would think I'm stupid or over reacting. I met Y/N years ago and she was the first person I had opened up to about this." Jonah says, leaving the bus extremely silent.
One by one each boy came to hug Jonah. Each promising that they won't leave him. Corbyn and Daniel came to hug Y/N and say thank you for getting this out of him.

Over the months Jonah got happier and happier
the boys never broke their promises...

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