Zach: Safe

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I sat alone in the bedroom I shared with my boyfriend of 2 years. Zach has been on tour for 4 months and is coming back tomorrow. I haven't been out much due to missing him so much. I haven't cried much either. I lie back in the bed and stare up into the ceiling and remember all the memories. I slowly start to fall asleep.


My phone rings and wakes me up. I look at it and there is a new news report about a plane crash. I turn on the TV and turn on the news reports. It was Zach's airplane. No no no no no no it can't be his. I sit down and sob. Christina comes down and looks at the TV and covers her mouth and starts to cry. We hug each other for ages, just crying not even talking.

We are just standing, hugging and crying so much we didn't hear them come in.

~No one's POV

The boys arrive, shouting and screaming. The open the door and they did not expect to see what was happening. They were hoping to see Y/N and Christina smiling and waiting to jump on them but they are surprised to see that the girls are crying.

Zach and Corbyn go up to them. To see what is wrong but Y/N and Christina are in their own world and can't hear a thing, they are helping each other stay up.

Daniel goes over to the TV and reads what is on the screen.
PLANE CRASH. FLIGHT FROM NEW YORK TO LAX. He calls over the boys and they start to see why the girls are crying. Zach and Corbyn go over to girls.

~Zach POV

"We are going to separate them. They will fall so catch them." Corbyn says. Jonah comes to help me. Daniel goes to help Corbyn.
"On the count of 3..."
Y/N starts to fall and Jonah and I catch her. Christina falls and Corbyn and Daniel catch her. Christina 'wakes' up and runs straight onto Corbyn and cries even harder. I take Y/N to the couch and lay her down. Her head is in my lap, the rest go upstairs to unpack their bags. They come back down and sit in the couch.

We are all on our phones, Y/N starts to shift around a lot and begins to wake up. She sits up and looks around confused. She turns around and she smiles so widely I had to smile. She dives onto me and hugs me. She starts to cry.
"Shh it's okay. We are safe." I whisper repeatedly. I kiss her head and she gets up and hugs the boys. She comes back and rests her head on my shoulder and falls asleep.


468 Words.

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