Corbyn: Sweet Nothings

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I slam my locker closed, causing people to stare at me. I don't care, I had a shit night. My parents are arguing, my brother had another girl home and my sister was crying all night. It is Monday morning and I'm already tired of the week. (me tho)

I head to class before I hear someone shout my name. I turn around and it is my boyfriend, Corbyn.
"Y/N!" Corbyn shouts from halfway across the hall. I turn around and walk into the class. He is in a different year than me so we don't have the same classes. I don't want to see him yet because I know I will break down and cry.

~ Time skip to the end of school ~

I get put my class and see Corbyn waiting for me. I give him a small smile and go towards the exit. We walk home in silence, a comfortable silence. As soon as we get to my house, I sit in the porch and Corbyn comes and puts his arms around me.

We sit like that for a while. I start crying and he starts to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. I eventually stop crying and tell him about my night. He just hugs me and lets me rant.

"Am I good enough. I mean like my parents are arguing. My brother treats me like shit. My sister doesn't like me. Why do you date me? Why do the boys like me? Why do like me? I mean I can't do anything, I can't play sport, I can't math. But I can ruin people's lives. I I I I..." I start saying. Corbyn cuts me off.

"Shhh, Y/N you are perfect. Don't blame your parents arguing on yourself, your brother has something going that he doesn't want to talks about. Your sister is still very young. The boys and I care about you because we love you. We love you because you are different like us."

I smile and hug him tightly.

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