Slender Brothers x Reader: Dancing Partners (Splendorman) lemon

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*You are a slender like being. The Slender brothers are in their 20's (Splendor being 20) and you're 18. Since the Mansion is so huge they still live there with their parents*

"One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four." The dance teacher counted as you and your partner practiced your steps. Even though you two were picked to dance with each other your partner was a cocky show off that thought of himself as superior above anyone who wasn't apart of his wealth class. He hit on any girl that seemed attractive to him and insulted people of lower class to him.

If he made a mistake when you two are practicing he would always find some excuse to blame you. The argument was always in his favor due to his father being the teacher. You finally had enough and wrote a note to the headmaster of your dance academy requesting a new partner.

You ran your long slender fingers through your hair. You always did this when you were stressed. After sending the note through it felt like some weight was lifted off your shoulders and you slept better that night than what you did before.

______The next day

You woke up to see that their was a dove at your window. You excitedly got out of bed and shuffled to the window and opened it. Gently picking the bird up, you slipped the neatly rolled message from its cylinder on the dove's back. It was from the headmaster.

Dear (Y/n),

It has come to my attention that you have not been too happy with your dancing partner so I have taken the liberty to assign you, not only a new partner, but into a new class you may deem fit for your special talent and grace.

I here by ACCEPT your requests as a student of Cedar Dancing Academy.

May this help you with your endevers.

Sincerely, Headmaster Ludwig.

You jumped up and down before letting the dove return to the headmaster. After it was gone you screamed with joy and flopped onto your bed while holding the note to your chest. You just could wait to start dancing again in a better environment.

You became even more excited to meet your new partner. You knew it would take a day or so to have one assigned to you so you would be stuck with your old partner for now. "Ugh!" You groaned out of annoyance as you left your dorm room and into the brisk cold Autum air towards the academy.

"Excuse me miss?" A voice came from behind you following a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and looked down to see a young man about your age with a courier bag around him. "Can you help me find this person: (Y/n) (L/n)?" He said as he read the name on the front of the envelope.

"Oh, that's me!" You said happily. "Great! Here you are then." The courier gave you the note. It was another note from the headmaster.

Dear (Y/n)

I know I have sent you a note so soon after sending one previously but I believe I have found an acceptional partner that may suit your talent. He shares the same charisma and bubbly personality as your's which leads me to believe you two will get along stupendously!

Your new class is room A665. I wish you good luck!

P.S. It is a long walk from your dorm room so I would try to find a short route.

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