Summer Break: Offenderman x Reader lemon

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Slender was sitting in a chair at the kitchen table with beads of sweat on his face while he read a news paper. Offender was sitting in a chair diagonal from him with his coat hanging over the chair as he leaned back. It was a really hot day out and everyone was rather miserable due to the A.C. not working. Splendor and Tender were trying to fix it but were having no luck so far.

Since everyone was so miserable Slender decided to allow everyone to relax instead of going out in the blazing hot sun until the A.C came back on. Offender then leaned forward and stood from his chair. He walked over to the freezer, opening it, he stuck as much of his upper body into the freezer as possible. Slender glance up at him, shook his head, then went back to reading.

"She's home!" Jeff's voice shouted as you pulled into the makeshift drive way and honked. You decided since you got a really big paycheck this week to go to the store and buy everyone ice-cream. Offender was the first one out of the house to help with the bags upon bags of ice-cream. He didn't even wait to get inside before he took an ice-cream cone out of a box before savoring the sweet taste and coldness.

You giggled and used your foot to kick his butt a little. "Help me!" You giggled as he turned to look at you while continuing to lick the ice-cream. Slender decided to come out and help when Offender ignored you and went inside. "Thanks, Slender." You said as you started to walk inside with a lot of bags filled with different kinds of ice-cream hanging around your arms.

Slender stopped you and used some of his tendrils, that didn't have any bags, to take a few more bags from you and walk up the steps and into the house but not before hearing what you said behind his back. "Aw, how sweet!" This made him smile to himself. He always helped you when Offender didn't because he knew Offender's desires for you. So what do you do when you have a brother that doesn't want to help the girl he has a crush on? Make him jealous.

Slender proudly walked into the kitchen and opened the deep freezer to put the Ice-cream in. When he turned around he seen you smiling brightly at him while handing him the rest of the ice-cream. Offender watched you carefully with hunger filling his chest as if he were a lion and you were a gazelle. He watched how you smiled so sweetly at his brother. This made him feel rather possessive.

"Hey (Y/n), would you be so kind as to get me another cone?" Offender asked with a smirk, wanting you away from his brother. You turned to look at him when he called your name and rolled your eyes as you reached into the deep freezer and dug around for the already open box of ice-cream cones. Taking the cold treat out of the box you walked over to Offender.

You gasped as Offender yanked you closer to him when you held your arm out for him to take the cone. He used his long black tongue to lick your warm neck before leaving a small hungry kiss behind. You pulled away and tossed the cone on his lap before stomping away. Offender watched your butt as you left angrily, then turned his attention to his brother who was casually leaning against the deep freezer with his arms crossed over his chest lazily and had one leg resting over the other.

"Knock it off Slender." Offender growled clearly becoming jealous. "Whatever do you mean, Offender?" Slender asked inoccently as a invisable, evil smirk appeared across his face. "I know what you're doing." Offender said standing up with a scrunched up face as if he smelt something fowl. "I have no clue what you're on about." Slender said as he walked passed his brother. "But if you would show a bit more...appropriate love towards (Y/n), she might actually consider fucking your sorry ass." Slender said snarkly while leaving the kitching.

A low rumble erupted from Offender's chest as he let out a low growl. "I can be lovable! Genuinely! I'll show him." Offender thought to himself, leaving the kitchen as well. He stormed upstairs and to your room as he quickly walked through the long corridors. When he came upon your door he didn't even bother to knock and walked in to see that you were changing out of your sweaty clothes.

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