A Sweet Treat: Tenderman x shy Reader lemon

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(Y/n) was sitting in the library of Slender mansion reading (F/b) quietly. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn't realize a certain someone walk up behind you nevously but had excitement boiling in their stomach.

(Y/n) looked up when the person tapped her shoulder. "Hey, Tender!" She said smiling up at the tall man. Tender cleared his throat and pulled something out from behind him. "Aww! Those are so cute!" She said as she looked over the homemade cookies he had made. 'Be mine.' she blushed and hid her cheeks with her book once she read what the cookies said.

Tender rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He knew (Y/n) had trouble with affection so he wanted to make her something but he's also been attracted to her for a long while.

"Would...you like to share them?" She asked quietly. "Of course!" Tender said rather passionately. (Y/n) squeaked when he picked her up with his tendrils and sat in the chair. She was in and placed you in his lap. Using another tendril he tilted his head lovingly and brought a cookie up to you. You blushed and hid your face. Tender leaned forward a little and used one of his long index fingers to pull the book back slightly enough to see your face.

Your cheeks were pink and you looked up at him as he looked into your (e/c) eyes. "You don't need to be shy around me, (Y/n)." He insisted. You then leaned against him, your head resting on his chest. Instead of trying to feed you, he allowed you to take the cookie yourself before taking a large book off of a shelf nearby. "Could I read you one of my favorite stories?" He asked bringing the large red book close to him. (Y/n) put a bookmark in her book and placed it on the coffee table.

Tender opened the book and it flipped the pages on its own before it landed on a page with man and a woman in winter coats out in the snow. Tender began to read in a low tone voice. It seemed natural for him to read like this. His voice relaxed you as he read the long pages. After two hours of reading you began to doze off. Tender noticed this and brought his hand down to cradle your back as he read but he found his hand wondering down to your thigh until his fingers came in contact with your soft (s/c) skin.

His fingers slowly slid your skirt up but stopped himself before he went too far. By this time you were sound asleep on his lap. He leaned his head back and sighed. "What is wrong with me?" He asked himself placing both of his palms over his face where his eyes would be before sighing and resting them on the arms of the chair.

__________2 hrs later____________

"Tender?" You asked quietly. The room was now dark. All of the candles were blown out and you couldn't even see your own hands. You felt around and could feel clothing, meaning you were still in Tender's lap. You listened and could hear his steady breathing. You felt around a little more and felt one of his tendrils. It seemed to twitch as your soft touch.

You reached further and found his neck then his throat, then his chin. His head was back as he rested it on the back of the chair while he slept. You then remembered there was a candle on the coffee table.

You knew Tender kept the matches in his pocket so you reached your hand into his left pocket and felt around until your hand brushed up against something. You felt around it for a minute before a heavy blush showered your face in red. You quickly grabbed the small box of matches and pulled them out of his pocket then felt around for the candle.

Placing the candle in your lap you lit a match before lighting the candle and placing it back on the table with a sigh of relief. You then seen the cookies on the the table and smiled sweetly. Taking a cookie, you curled up in Tender's lap again and started eating the cookie. The cookie practically melted in your mouth. Tender's cookies were always like this when he made them. They were also rich in flavor, of course, he always made them with care.

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