Christmas's big surprise

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Nico's first thought was, irrationally, Isn't that beard a fire hazard?

In all honesty, you couldn't blame him. Leo's dad might be an extremely gifted mechanic, -although in Nico's opinion Leo would end up giving him a run for his money- but he obviously didn't much care for appearances.

What with the patched-up jumpsuit with grease stains, oil on his face and a huge beard, Mr. "Hephaestus" Valdez was certainly intimidating. He sat in front of their new white bathroom door, tools scattered around him.

"Dad," Leo said, trying to get his father's attention from where he fiddled with Festus, turning gears here and there that had the dragon purring and moving like a cat.


"This is Nico." Leo gestured proudly to his roommate like a child showing off a creation, as Nico shuffled his feet awkwardly and looked over Leo's dad's shoulder, offering his hand to shake. Seeing his discomfort, Leo let one of his hands dangle a bit so the skin of his outer hand brushed against Nico, reminding him Leo was there.

Hephaestus, without looking away from the machine, grabbed Nico's hand and pumped it up and down for longer than normal before withdrawing his hand and muttering "You've picked a good one, Leo. S'got a firm handshake. I like him."

Leo tilted his head to the side. "We don't pick our roommates, dad." He looked at Nico with a Can you believe this guy? expression of his face. Nico mentally face-palmed. Leo's dad obviously thought they were a couple, and Leo was just being dense, as usual. He tried to tell Leo with his eyes to drop it, but no such luck.

Hephaestus raised his eyebrows. "I know that, son," he said, nodding like they were dense. "I'm just trying to be supportive and tell you I approve of your boyfriend. You can stop almost holding hands while I'm around."

Leo's eyebrows almost disappeared into his hairline as he jerked his hand away from Nico's with both their faces flaming. "No, no we aren't boyfriends. We aren't dating. Nico and I are just friends," he insisted, stressing the word as he fiddled nervously with his tool belt.

Hephaestus grunted while turning one of Festus' gears. "Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Friends with benefits?"

"Dad! No!" Leo cried, taking a step away from Nico. "We are just...friends. Nico are I are just good, good, friends."

Shrugging, Hephaestus finally looked up. "Doesn't matter to me, although I am a bit disappointed I wasn't reading your body language right. I've been practicing, trying to get better with organic life-forms. Oh well, seems like I passed the awkward gene to you, huh son?"

He patted Leo on the back. "Good job on your projects. Your teachers all gave me very high reviews. I expect no less from your new therapist, got it?"

"New therapist?" Nico echoed. "I thought we were done with that. Mrs. Dodds-"

"Was fired," Hephaestus finished. "You got the time off as a bit of a vacation to recover from what she did, but that doesn't excuse you from therapy. Now Leo ma'boy, try to stay out of trouble, okay?" He turned to Nico.

"I expect you to keep this elf out of trouble, boyfriend or not."

"Believe me sir, I'm an expert in keeping the elf out of trouble by now," Nico said, wisely ignoring the boyfriend comment.

Hephaestus grunted before he turned to the door. "You sure you can't take one for the team and date this one, Leo? Seems it could do you a world of good. Oh well, doesn't matter. Goodbye."

He absentmindedly hugged his son with one arm and left, gathering loose tools as he went. The second the door slammed shut, Leo whirled to face Nico. "Sorry, sorry!" he stuttered.

We've all got bruises. (Leico)Where stories live. Discover now