A high and a low

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Leo had always imagined what his first real date would be like.

He'd be calm and collected, as well as a perfect gentleman, pulling out chairs and opening up doors. They'd laugh and banter, (he'd impress his date with his wit, obviously) maybe over a fancy dinner. At the end of the night, he'd be aiming for a kiss, and hopefully a repeat.

Yeah, getting ready for a date with Nico was nothing like that.

"Jason, I have no idea what to do. I'm going to explode!"

His friend chuckled and handed him once of his old shirts to wear.

"Calm, Leo. You're just going to see a movie. You'll be fine."

Leo threw the shirt on the ground and groaned in frustration.

"That shirt's yellow, Jason. I don't look good in yellow."

"Uh, okay? Here's a blue one."

"Better," Leo sighed, tugging it on.

"Ok, how do I look?"

"Simply amazing?" Jason shrugged. "I don't really know, dude."

Leo covered his face with his hands. "I need advice. Piper?"

"I don't know, man," she said, pausing her Pokemon game, "but you are way more nervous than Nico. Relax."

He took a deep breath. "Is he nervous?"

"Yeeeeeah buddy. You betcha."

Leo pretended like the thought of a nervous Nico didn't make his heart beat faster.

"What's he wearing? Compared to him, am I fancy? Relaxed?"

"Well considering the fact that he's wearing Reyna's shoes I'd say you're fine."

"He's what?"


"Okay. So, Leo likes to lean over and talk about what's happening during the movie, so expect it. Don't jump when he does it, or else he'll get even more self-conscious."

"More self-conscious?" Nico asked, feeling like he should be taking notes.

"He's pretty nervous about your date. It's kinda cute," Reyna smirked.

"Oh god. Really? I was counting on him to be able to make conversation. Now I'm even more nervous!" Nico stressed.

"How do I look?" he asked, raising his arms to his side and giving a small spin. "Do I look okay? Do you think Leo will like it? Or do I look the same as I always do?"

"I like the shoes," Reyna stated, smiling, and he scowled.

"I didn't have any shoes that weren't black and clunky with chains on the sides, okay? You said I could borrow your silver combat boots, but if it looks laughable-"

"Oh, shut up. You look great. Leo's going to die as soon as he sees you, and he probably won't even notice the shoes."

"Nico!" Hazel burst in, smiling so widely he was sure her face was about to burst open.
"It's almost time! It's almost time!"

Nico's heart was about to bust out of his chest, but he managed to stop the shaking long enough to ask his sister "Why are you all so invested in this relationship?"

"Because it's both of y'all's first real date! And it's with each other! It's adorable!"

His watch beeped, signaling it was time to meet Leo outside in the hall so they could walk to the movie theater. He struggled to leave the room while his sister attacked his head with a comb, and felt Reyna stuff something in his pocket. "Tickets."

We've all got bruises. (Leico)Where stories live. Discover now