Chapter 23

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It was early in the morning and it was cold. Very very cold. Percy was glad he had the curse of Achilles to help him out with the temperature or else he wouldn't survive the winter.

Percy flew through the foggy early morning with his cloak of levitation put over his pyjamas. He flew along the jagged shore line and landed in the small enclave he created into the side of the cliff.

He landed gently taking off his cloak and shirt tossing it into the small cave. He took out his wand strapped to his wrist and casted a power concealment charm over the area. Don't want anyone snooping around where they shouldn't. He put his wand into his forearm holster and leapt into the water in one go.

The cold crashed into him with a rush of water rubbing across his ears. All his sleep went away as Percy swam deeper into the lake looking for Nick, his friend….who was also the giant squid that lived in the lake.

It took a while, Percy had to swim deep, but he eventually found Nick swimming around. Percy smiled as he called out, "hey Nick!"

The squid looked up, "lord Percy! How nice to see you! Isn't it cold?"

Percy shrugged, "I can barely feel it, I get used to it after some time."

"Indeed? Truly amazing Lord Percy, not a small feet, a few people have actually died doing the very same thing you are you know?"

"Well I'm not most people. And hey, what did I tell you about calling me lord?" Percy raised an eyebrow in scolding.

"Ah...not too?"

"Right, remember, it's just Percy, nothing else."

"Understood, how has your school days been my lord? Have you been doing well?"

Percy sighed at Nick's respectful tone, Percy has been trying to make the squid more relaxed around him but it never worked. Percy honestly didn't know why he even bothered.

"School's fine Nick, it's better than fine really. Anyway that's not why I'm here though, I came because I need to ask you a few questions."

Nick bowed, "please ask away my lord."

"Right, well Nick have you heard about the Triwizard tournament?"

"Yes, I heard it from the Merpeople across the ridge, they spoke of the tournament coming underwater later in the year, warning me to stay away from their side of the lake during that time."

Percy blinked, "I'm sorry, but what? Merpeople?"

"Yes, do you not know about them?"

Percy shrugged, "no, I always thought you were the only one who lived here."

Nick shook its's body?... Who knows, "not at all lord Percy, I occupy only half of the lake, the area closest to the castle. The half closer to the forest is taken over by the merpeople, they have a village just over the reach there and they are quite….ah, protective."

Percy nodded, "I see...and you said they were going to be involved with the tournament in someway?"

Nick nodded, "yes my lord. Why do you ask?"

"I am participating in the tournament, I figured out the next clue which pointed me to the lake, guess my hunch was right."

Nick nodded, "ah, of course you would participate in the tournament, let the wizards witness the power of the son of Poseidon! Ha! I'm sure you'll win the whole thing!"

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