Chapter 29

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It was a few days after meeting Sirius Black that Percy found himself inside the Forest sitting at his work table pouring over the Marauder's map with Fleur looking over his shoulder.

"Thiz iz fantaztical!" the veela exclaimed, "I can't even imagine w'at it can do with t'e layerz of c'armz and runez it pozzez!"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I can't even begin to think of ways to replicate this, no wait, I think I can," he groaned looking at the map. Apparently whoever made this also had Percy's sonar idea in mind. Only they were much more sneaky about it.

Over the week Percy looked around the castle and found runes etched into the walls. They were so minute and tiny one could almost be forgiven for looking over them. They acted like sensors recording everyone passing around them and sending the data to the map which worked as a receiver.

"Have you figured out how to back peddle off their runes?" Fleur asked in french as the words were a little too advanced for her in english.

Percy nodded, "yeah...I think so," his french was getting better...kind of. Percy took out his wand and a large parchment the size of his table, "want to do the honours my love?"

Fleur smirked, "just admit you're bad at charms won't you," she took out her wand and waved it over the parchment casting preservation charms at would prevent it from being burned or destroyed. She also added a charm that would automatically allow the parchment to fold itself several times without becoming thicker than a single layer of parchment.

"And now to make them stick," Percy said as he drew runes into the sides of the parchment that made the charms permanent. He then took out his wand and crossed his fingers, "please work," he pointed at the parchment and flicked his wand, [copy map rune charm!]

It was greek spell Percy was working on for some time in order to link his map into the rune system the Marauders had set up. There was a flash of light and suddenly the white parchment was covered with black line, displaying Hogwarts and all the people inside, similar to the Marauders map.

"You did it!" Fleur cheered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, "you're a genius!"

Percy chuckled, "hardly, I just basically ripped off their hard work," he waved his wand casting another security charm making voice activated. He turned to her and smiled, "so, what do you want the password to be?"

Fleur smiled as she hummed, "'ow about...Black Beauty?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "I knew you were a horse freak."

"Perzy!" Fleur chuckled, "w'en will you learn? Every woman is a horse freak."

Percy smiled, he tapped his wand on the parchment and whispered, "activation password: Black Beauty. De-activation password: Yellow dove."

Fleur rolled her eyes, "really original."

Percy smirked, "I know," he flicked his wand causing both maps to fold themselves and tuck away into his drawer. He smiled, he had been practicing his charms from the basics, he had gotten better, a lot better.

Just then there was a screech. Fleur walked up to the window and opened it allowing a raven to come flying in landing on Percy's desk. It looked at Percy and scoffed, the demigod's eyebrow twitched, how can a raven have that much attitude?

The raven resented his leg, cawing at Percy to take the letter attached around it. Percy sighed, "alright alright," he removed the letter and the moment he did the raven disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving a very confused demigod, "that was….surprising."

Percy Jackson and the World of Magic (PJO&HP crossover) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora