Chapter 26

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The week went by quickly, the days Pery spent pranking people while the nights he and Fleur snuck out to meet in his hidden room. Fleur spent a lot of time there with Percy, though surprisingly not all of it was spent making out.

Fleur took to using the room as her own, Percy even gave her a small corner in the side, conjuring up a screen between them for her privacy.

Fleur had figured out the clue a few days after Christmas and was hard at work solving the clue. She asked Percy if he had something prepared, and he always just replied with 'it's a secret.'

Percy also gave Harry a clue on how to solve the golden egg. It was fair after all since he did warn him about the dragons. Percy even offered to brew Harry a potion to help with the cold waters, something which Harry was really grateful for.

There was one thing that surprised Percy though, the letters he received from the veela cheerleaders and Hecate. The former one was quite simple, about how their sorry he got slandered in the paper like that, and about how Fleur is a lucky girl to have him.

Amanda even included a little note in the end that read, 'if you two don't work out, I'm never letting you out of my sight, got that?'. Percy was both concerned and a little happy.

Chanel had stopped writing to him, Percy still sent her private letters from time to time but she didn't reply back with her own message, always speaking in the common letter the cheerleaders sent. Percy felt bad their relationship turned out the way it did, but he honestly didn't know what he could do.

The second letter however, the one from Hecate, well that was a whole another story.

[To Percy Jackson,

Son of the sea

I write to you know not as your loving and caring aunt but as the goddess you know me to be. I have attached a copy of several nasty curses one can cast on people. They are greek of origin and no wizard can do a damn thing about them. There are three of, pick one and teach that bottom feeding bitch not to fuck around with you. And if you don't, I will, and I won't be as soft as I know you will.



Goddess of magic.

P.S. I heard about your new girlfriend….told you so. Not attracted to veelas my ass.]

And like she promised, attached were three rituals to cast a long lasting curse, not the kind you shoot out of a wand, but the kind you use to cast a plague on someone's family.

One would make Rita into a hag, covering her with blisters and open sores. Another that would flip her digestive tracks around, making her eat and defecate for opposite ends. And the last that would make her irresistible to birds, causing them to assault her in any way possible.

Percy hated the woman, but he didn't want to make her life miserable. So he obviously chose the third option.

He got the ritual ready, he would only have to meet her face to face to finish the curse with an incantation cast in ancient greek, which would probably only be during the second task.

Percy wrote back to Hecate thanking, and informing her he had made his choice, so she didn't have to go crazy. To say that Hecate was a little disappointed was an understatement, she really wanted to switch Rita's innards around.

Soon the time flew by and school had reopened. Percy didn't like the fact that classes had once again started, but hey, what was a demigod to do? It wasn't like he could plant stink bombs in all the classes forcing them to delay the opening?…..wait a minute.

Percy Jackson and the World of Magic (PJO&HP crossover) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora