Chapter 33

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"Perceus Jackson, please step forward," the lady behind the desk called out.

Percy took a step forwar dinto the spot light. He wore a muggle suit, a form fitting one that was blue with vertical whitle lines coming down the cloth. He had a blue tie and a white shirt, he was dressed up for a reason, he needed to impress.

The lady in the middle looked up fromt he fiel she was reading. She was thin and wrinkley and on her head was a rideculous looking stuffed vulutre that serves as a head ornament of some kind.

"Mr. Jackson, these grades are...impressive to say the least," the woman nodded.

Percy nodded, "thank you ma'am."

"O++ in potions in your OWLS and a another O++ for your NEWTs," she read out, "you created over twenty diffrent kinds of potions which qualified you for your masters title in the subject, amking you possibly the youngest potions master in history. And most certianly the youngest with these many potions patended under you name."

Percy nodded, "that is correct."

"Triwizard champion, the youngest animagus in over eight hundred years, the first every magcal animagus in history. says here you also gained a masters in Rune creation?"

Percy nodded, "yes ma'am. The qualifications were similar for the potions mastership, so I decidd to just go ahead and gain it as well."

"I see...and what is this you invented? A hover board is it?"

Percy nodded, "yes. I was bored with brooms, so I decided to try and make something intresting."

"A new kind of broom? What's wrong with regular old brooms?" asked a highly arestrocian voice belonging to a man with silver blonde hair and cure eyes.

Percy locked eyes with him, "sometimes the old ways just dont' work. And while it may not be broken, that certainlly doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed."

The man glared at the demigod, for a momment, no one said anything. Until Agatha Longbottom cleared her throat gaining Percy's attention.

"You have attended Hogwarts for a toal of one year correct?"

Percy nodded, "yes ma'am."

"And you don't have any experiance teaching?"

Percy nodded, "yes."

"So how-"

"-How can we expect you to be competant enough to teach out children?" Malfoy cut into Aghata's question earning him a glare form the old woman.

"Simple. I understand the subject better than anyone else. I don't have issues in helping others understand and explaining it simple terms."


"-I see, thank you Mr. Jackson," Agatha glared at Malfoy who tired to speak out of turn once more, "tell me, have you undergone the teacher's exam?"

Percy nodded, "yes, the results are on the last page."

She turned the file she held and her eyes widned, "understading, O, speaking, O, student relations...EE, hm, certianlly not the worst application."

"But not the best either," Malfoy hissed, "Severus is an amazing potions master, the best in fact. Why must we replace him with a boy barely out of school and a year above the legal age?"

"Because Severus wished to take up the DADA postions, and I'm incline to give it to him since I currently don't have a teacher for the coming year," Dumbledore, who sat next to Agatha explained, "I belive Mr. Jackson will be perfect for the role, in fact, if yo see two pages from behind, there will be a personal note from Proffesor Snape himself recomending Mr. Jackson into this position."

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