Chapter 28

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"So you did it" Chanel told Fleur as they walked towards Hogwarts, "you took my advice."

"Yes, I did," Fleur nodded, "do you wish I hadn't?"

"," Chanel looked at Percy as he walked with the others all around him. He was telling Amanda and the others about his studies. Hecate was walking next to them with Fleur's friends and Gabby in toe.

"I never did thank you for that did I?" Fleur said as she wrapped Percy's cloak around her tighter, "if you hadn't made me realise how stupid I was acting I never would have…."

"It's fine," Chanel replied, "I'm just happy he found someone."

Fleur snorted, "that's a lie if I ever heard one."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you, you're a veela, you don't feel happy when the person you love is with someone else," Fleur replied, "so why...if it was me, I never would have done what you did."

Chanel nodded, " want me to take it back?"

"No, never," Fleur replied quickly.

"Good, not like I can anyway," she looked at Percy, "he seems to be happy."

"Yes, he is," Fleur nodded, "how long are you here?"

"So eager to send me off?"

"No," Fleur chuckled, "Percy may not show it, but he misses you all. You were his first friends here."

"Does he talk a lot about us?"

"No, he tries not to," Fleur sighed, "he thinks I don't like it, because….you know."

"Because we had sex with him?" Chanel chuckled seeing Fleur blush, "well don't worry, I'm sure by now he'll will have forgotten all about us after you."

"Well...yes..." Fleur looked away, a little shyness seeping into her voice.

" have had sex with him...right?" Chanel asked.

"No," came the almost immediately responce, "it's not that I don't want to it's just...I want it to be special."

Chanel snorted, "belive me, with that man, it will be. But take my advice, bring an ice pack, Price tends to forget his own strength when he get really into it. Oh, and eat plenty of food before, you need the stamina, the first time there was five of us and we still couldn't get him down," Chanel shivered, "guy's a monster."

Fleur turned red slowly, "I see….got any other tips?"

Chanel smiled, "yes, make sure your bra and panties match. Oh and bring condoms, believe me, the last thing you need is a baby on the way. And you already know how Percy reacts to pregnancy scares," Chanel laughed at Fleur's beat red face causing the french veela to lower her head in shame.

"WEEE!" a loud child's voice cried out, both veela's looked up at the sky and saw a tiny little girl clinging onto the mane of a majestic pegasus as it flew through the air with her on his back. The girl looked like she was having the time of her life, her little eyes wide and filled with wonder, and if one looked at the pegasus they could have sworn he had a cocky smile on his maw.

"Z'ow off," Fleur huffed smiling at the sight of her sister riding Percy through the sky.

The demigod swooped down low before slowing down to a throttle and walking on the ground, stopping before a small group gathered in the pathway towards the ground's gates.

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