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¨Not to be rude but, is all of you?¨ Layla said fidgeting.
¨Of course not!¨ Taklyn snapped.
¨Hey! Calm down whiskers.,¨ Kelmber said. ¨There are more of of us, we are divided into teams around the region.¨
¨In total there are 21 teams, with 8 members in each.¨ Thomas spoke up.
Layla counted the people in front of her. Only 5 were here.
¨I know what youre thinking.¨ Axel said looking at her nails. ¨They arent here now but they are coming in two wikamas.¨
Layla tilted her head in confusion.
¨Oh those are weeks here.¨ Taklyn explained.
¨The plan is to invade two royal guard stations with the human.¨ Kelmber explained. ¨She will trick the laser wall into thinking there is nothing there and make a path for us, meanwhile we go through to steal resources. Also we will destroy their weapons.¨
¨Okay but does the human, I mean Layla, know how to defend herself if something goes wrong?¨ Thomas asked.
¨Hmm,¨ Kelmber thought. ¨Okay James will train her.¨
¨What?!¨ Everyone except Kelmber and James exclaimed.
¨Lets get to it.¨ James said, standing up.
Layla nervously stood up too then followed James. They left the tent and went to a site that looked like a training field.
¨What weapon do you want to wield?¨ Asked James.
She looked at weapons displayed on the table. There were so many but the one that stood out to her was a modern looking hammer. She pointed at it.
¨Oh the Quaking hammer?¨ he said with smile. ¨Thomas named that.¨
¨Thats pretty cool.¨ Layla said with giggle.
¨The weapon yes, but the name uhh.¨ he said looking away.
¨Thomas seems interesting.¨ she laughed.
¨Y-Yeah,¨ James said ¨Anyway lets get training.¨
He grabbed the weapon and gave it to her. But it was really heavy so she came plummeting down. He laughed and helped her adjust it.
¨This hammer is able to adjust to the strength of its wielder.¨ James said.
She watched as the hammer shrank.
~time skip~
It had taken her a month too learn how to use the weapon like a pro. A month in this new place was weird. She learned so many things here. How hunting and stealing worked. They mostly stole from the royal guards though. Everything that she had done so far was so brave. Never had she attacked minols, which are animals here. Neither had she sparred with magic against her. Actually her first spar was against Taklyn. That fight was super difficult because he kept going from one form to another. It went kinda like this:
¨Hey wanna spar?¨ Taklyn asked her.
¨Okay¨ she said nervously.
They went to the field and Thomas wanted to watch so he came too.
¨Ready, Set, GO!¨ Thomas said.
Taklyn made the first move and came dashing at her with his claws out. She easily deflected the attack, making him swipe the air. Layla turned attacked from behind with her hammer. He grunted as he hit the floor. Since it was her first spar,  she thought it was over so she went over to help him out.
¨Hey are you okay?¨ She asked.
He got up and attacked her with his claws.
¨Oof!¨ She said.
¨You are so dumb.¨ He said.
¨Damn.¨ Thomas said shaking his head.
She got up and set her hammer to swift. The hammer got skinnier and shorter. Running full speed to him, she swung forward. That attack came unexpectedly but Taklyn managed to dodge. Layla smirked because thats what she wanted to happen. When he dodged she was spinning in a full circle and like they say, what comes around goes around.
¨Oh my god!¨ Thomas chuckled in disbelief. ¨The rookie is beating you.¨
He plummeted to the ground, angry now. As soon as he fell is as soon as he got up. Using his powers, he turned into a cat and started scratching her. She tried to block but her face got all scratched up along with her clothes.
¨Kitty got claws.¨ Thomas said.
She giggled at that remark despite the fact that her face looked bad, not to mention hurt. Taklyn didnt stop scratching her until she pulled out a secret weapon. In her back pocket she had a spray bottle. He hissed as she started spraying him. Layla grabbed her weapon and hit him. He got knocked out cold. She gasped and ran to his side.
¨Hey are you alright?¨ She asked the cat in her arms.
¨Taklyn are you good bud?¨ Thomas said jumping off the tree he was sitting in.
They both tried to wake him up. After a while they took him to the camp and laid him in bed. Then Kelmber entered the tent.
¨What happened?¨ She asked.
¨Um, Layla and Taklyn were sparing but then Layla hit him in the head so now he is knocked out.¨ Thomas explained.
¨Okay....¨ She said confused. ¨Anyway I just wanted to tell you we are doing the raid tomorrow.¨
They nodded there heads in agreement. Layla took a deep breath and prepared herself for the worst.

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