The Mission

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"Oh, my flipping flops why the heck is this freaking vehicle underground?!" Thomas exclaimed
Everyone except Kelmber and Telissa was freaking out. They have never actually been in these types of cars because people mostly used wagons or carriages. Sasha was clutching to the seat silently screeching in her head. Taklyn crossed his arm to appear cool and calm when in reality he was shaking. James and Kyle were trying to calm down while Thomas, Axel, and Layla were screaming out loud.
"I forgot how uncivilized these kids are," Kelmber told Telissa.
"Hey now they've been living in a camp for most of their lives," Telissa says defending her teammates.
"Wait for a second," Layla spoke. "what do you mean most of their lives?"
"You said they lived at the camp for most of their lives," Layla said.
"Yeah, they lived with us since they were like 10 or so," Telissa stated
Layla thought of how long this rebellion has been going on and internally gasped. She then looked at Taklyn slightly who was still shaking and then thought to herself, ¨Just who are these people?¨. It was crazy for her to think that they were fighting against tyranny for so long and essentially since they were kids. After thinking some more she came to the conclusion that these people were probably damaged on the inside and she should talk to each of them to find more info of who she is following. She then realized that Taklyn who was visibly shaking and thought to comfort him. Layla placed her hand on his shoulder and he flinched.
¨Are you good?¨ She asked the shaking boy.
¨WhY WoUlD yOu AsK ThAt I'm ObViOuSlY fInE.¨ He said his voice cracking quietly.
¨Come here,¨ She said, and without thinking she put his head on her lap so he would feel safe. ¨Turn into a cat.¨
He did not resist and just transformed, almost a little too quickly. Layla then proceeded to pet him. The others noticed this and looked at each other.
Axel raised a brow then said. ¨Wow Taklyn you really are just a big softie, huh?¨
Taklyn just hissed at her as she laughed. Thomas was shaking James because he had past out of fear of the ride they were having on the automobile.
¨JAMES COME BACK TO US." Thomas yelled.
¨Shh dumbo, he is obviously just sleeping leave him be.¨ Axel snapped at him.
¨Hey I would know how he would be if he was asleep, he is obviously not okay.¨ Thomas snapped back.
¨How would you know how he sleeps?¨ Layla asked curiously.
Thomas' eyes widened as soon as he realized what he said and looked out the window, ignoring everyone.
¨Yeah we are genuinely curious.¨ Kelmber teased.
¨Guys lets just let him reflect on his embarrassment.¨ Sasha said calmly.
¨The fact that he didn't even try to justify his words or rephrase that brings up many suspicions.¨ Kyle stated.
¨You're not wrong.¨ Axel replied.
¨Can you guys just keep it down because we are obviously making Thomas more uncomfortable¨ Telissa spoke up.
Sheesh, Layla thought, they are hopeless when it comes to anything. It's funny how everyone attacked Thomas and now he is seeping in embarrassment. Soon everyone calmed down and they were slowly making their way to their destination. They were chatting it up meanwhile also strategizing. Then surely enough they made it there. They were at sector 69 where weapon A3S29i was held or to say under it.
¨Okay guys we are going to go by my plan, alright?¨ Telissa said.
¨Right!¨ Everyone else said.
Sasha was the first one to start the action. She used her special kind of telekinesis to cut out some of the dirt for an entrance into the place. Then she shrunk the dirt into a tiny rectangular prism. Layla was amazed at the fact that she had just done that. Never in her life did she think she would be able to witness something so crazy cool. After Sasha had given an entrance Thomas and James took out their wings to take the members up into the building carefully.
¨Axel take out the cameras.¨ Telissa whispered sharply.
Taking Telissa's orders she used her powers to grow plants to destroy the cameras.
¨Careful guys, we don't know what we can expect up there.¨ Kelmber informed them.
¨Ill take care of it.¨ Telissa told them.
They stepped up into the building and saw the weapon displayed. Telissa's eyes glowed as she used her powers to take the weapon to turn it to dust.
¨That was easy.¨ Taklyn said.
As soon as he said that sirens starting to sound. Before they knew it guards were surrounding them. Telissa tried to use a counterspell but she was the first one to be targeted and taken down. Layla could hear her companions swear under their breaths. One by one despite their attacks they were taking down. Layla's eyesight was starting to get blurry.
¨Well done rebels,¨ a mysterious voice said. Layla could see a man with a ponytail and a blue shirt with the same colored eyes as Telissa's. ¨You got us this time but don't worry we will be sure to repay you with the same power.¨
Those were the last words Layla heard before blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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