The Heist

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The day of the heist came later than expected. Royal guards were more active for some reason so they pulled back on the raid. In the meantime they made their plan more detailed. Another reason was because Taklyn took a while to recover from that head injury. Axel stopped it from being a concussion with her magic but he still had to wake up. But when he did wake up he was mad.
"Hey Layla! What kind of sneak attack was that?!" He yelled, annoyed.
"I'm sorry but James told me to distract my opponent with something they hate and then hit them with sneak attack." Layla apologized and also explained.
Taklyn realized that Layla had no idea of this fighting and she was just trying to do her best.
"I'm sorry for yelling I guess your clueless so I shouldn't get mad." He said running a hand through his hair.
She was about to make a remark but in cake Kelmber to say. "Guys prepare yourselves because we are going to raid those royal guards."
They all nodded there heads and left to grab their materials. Layla nervously shrank her hammer into a small size then put it safely in her pocket. Walking over James, she let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey James, I was wondering at what time are we going?" She asked him.
"Oh um at midnight." He told her.
"Oh okay thanks." She said, fidgeting her hands.
"Hey is everything alright?" James asked her as he saw her nervous.
"It's just I'm nervous, that's all." She responded.
"I know it's nerve-racking doing this kind of thing but don't worry you are not alone." He told her sincerely.
"Yeah you're right." She said with a little more confidence.
James smiled at her then left to prepare himself.
"I see you're making friends." Taklyn said coming up behind her.
"Yeah." She told him.
"That's great and all but just don't forget about this kitty." Taklyn said to her while grabbing a big backpack.
"How can forget about you? You're the one who brought me here." She said cheerfully. "Are you jelly?
"Jelly?" He asked her confused.
"Jealous, are you jealous?" She said more clearly.
"Of you? Ha in your dreams." He told her sarcastically.
"Damm, why you so rude?" She said crossing her arms.
"That didn't even make gramatical sense." Taklyn said to her with a blank expression.
"Well excuse me I'm going to leave to finish up my preparation." Layla told him and left.
She march off but in her mind she thought, he is jealous, and giggled. On her way to her tent she saw Axel already prepared along with Thomas getting help from James with his preparation. As she entered her tent, she saw that she too was already prepared. So she took a seat and ran the plan in her mind over again. As they were getting ready a certain visitors came a little later than expected. Coming into the tent were three people, a guy with short brown hair that rose a little to the top along with eyes of the color purple, two girls, one had a bow on top of her head not mention long brown hair with barely visible pink tips and eyes minty green colored, the other girl had straight fainted red hair in a ponytail with eyes blue.
"Where are you guys going" The guy asked as they were heading out at midnight.
"Kyle! Why the hell are you guys late? Axel exclaimed.
"Oh we detoured and that's why we are late." The girl with the bow said.
"Now answer our question." The other girl said.
"Oh we are going to do the raid of two royal guard stations." Axel told them.
"But I thought that was impossible to do!" The bow girl exclaimed.
"Telissa, you think we didn't think this through? Axel told her. "We found a human for their lasers."
"Really?!" The fainted red haired girl said surprised.
"Yeah now we must be going," Kelmber said. "We'll catch up in the morning."
"Okay" The three of them said in unison.
As they were taking off Taklyn made sure to keep an eye on Layla just in case she got to nervous. After a while they finally reached the city where the stations stood.
"Layla, Taklyn, go like we planned." Kelmber whispered.
The two nodded their heads and went. Taklyn turned into a cat then jumped into Layla's arms. They walked to the station then looked inside to see if the coast was clear. As soon as she saw it was she showed the signal.The other four came stealthily to the station, barely noticeable. Layla came close to the forcefield and touched it. Like expected, it didn't harm her or detected her. She made a path for them to walk in and waited outside. It took them 20 minutes to finish up in there. Then they left to the other one. This time she was allowed to come inside. She looked around at the elegance around the room. Of course, she didn't touch anything in fear she might make an alarm go off. After destroying and collecting they left. But in the process of them leaving, a royal guard came to the station and caught them.
"What are you kids doing near here in the middle of the night!" He huffed.
They looked at each other in worry until Kelmber spoke up.
"We were looking for a royal guard because someone attacked the royal guard station down the street. We are all really scared and it would ease us if you went to check it out." She said nervously.
"Oh sure, come here kids I need your testimony." The royal guard told them.
"But we didn't see anything, only a broken window." Axel squeaked.
"We just want to go to the comfort of our home mister." Layla spoke. "It would make us feel safer and more secure. Now that you are checking it out I'm sure that would be enough."
"Your right young lady." He said thinking of this. "How about tomorrow you come to the station to tell you testimony."
"Okay sure." Layla said.
They waved goodbye then ran back to their camp.
"That was too close." Thomas said sighing in relief.
"Yeah it was." The others said in unison.
"Okay everyone to bed." Kelmber said.
They all went their separate ways but before Layla could go inside Taklyn told her. "Nice save."
She thanked him and walked inside. This was one heck of a night.

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