Mizuki's Audition Tape

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Static on the screen appears briefly, then transitions to a large Asian themed studio room. Mizuki is standing in front of two cinder blocks parallel to each other while an open cardboard box is left open next to her.

Mizuki: Is the camera on, Oba-chan?

Oba-chan: I think so. Does red light mean camera is on?

Mizuki nods her head in confirmation.

Mizuki: Yes, Oba-chan.

Oba-chan: Okay, then I ready when you are.

Mizuki: Good. (clears her throat) Hello Total Drama Producers! My name is Mizuki and I really hope you will consider choosing me as a contestant for the new season of Total Drama!

Oba-chan: You don't sound confident! You sound like sniveling weakling! Put more power in voice!

Mizuki: I'm just trying not to sound too braggy, Oba-chan. I don't want to sound arrogant.

Oba-chan: There nothing wrong with confidence! You are too humble, child! You must show confidence if you want to get picked for this show! You are suppose to promote your talents and abilities if you want drama show to pick you! I'll turn off camera now; we try this again with more power!

Oba-chan turns the camera off and turns it back on a couple of minutes later.

Oba-chan: Red light is on. Camera is on.

Mizuki: (clears her throat and adds more confidence to her voice) Hello Total Drama Producers! My name is MIzuki and I would definitely be a great contestant if you choose me! (pauses for a moment) Was that better, Oba-chan?

Oba-chan: Eh, better than first try. But keep going, and remember....confidence!!!!

Mizuki: So in case all of you are wondering, the old woman who is giving me tips is my grandmother. I'm Japanese-Canadian, so I call her Oba-chan, which means "grandmother" in Japanese. Say hi to the producers, Oba-chan.

Oba-chan turns the camera towards herself.

Oba-chan: Producers of Drama show, you would be insane not to choose my granddaughter for your t.v. show! You will see, she has many talents to offer! (Oba-chan turns the camera back towards her granddaughter).

Mizuki: (blushes bashfully) Thank you, Oba-chan.

Oba-chan: Don't look so bashful and modest. Be proud of your abilities! Tell drama producers what you can do.

Mizuki: (faces the camera with confidence) Right! To pick up where we left off, you should know that I do have quite a few skills to bring to the island. I get along with pretty much everyone and I am a team player all the way! I'm also pretty smart as well.....

Oba-chan: (sighed heavily) Shin'ainaru-shin no ko yo! Anata wa amarini mo kenkyodesu! Anata no chisei wa anata no kurasumeito yori mo sugurete iru koto wa yoku shitte imasu! Anata wa ōgoe de sakebu tame ni, kōdona sūgaku no jugyō o toru!

(English Subtitles: Dear God child! You are too humble! You know darn well that your intelligence is superior to your classmates! You take advanced math classes, for crying out loud!)

Mizuki: Mā, watashi wa takai chisei o jiman suru tsumori wanai! Tokuni tōtarudorama no purode~yūsā ni, karera wa sudeni Noa to iu namae no shira rete inai nōhau o motte imasu!

(English Subtitles: Well, I'm not going to go around bragging about my high intelligence! Especially to the Total Drama producers; they've already got an obnoxious know-it-all named Noah!)

Oba-chan: Noa wa dochiradesu ka?

(English Subtitles: Which one is Noah?)

Mizuki: Shīzun 1 no dojjibōru no episōdo o oboete imasu ka? Watashitachiha issho ni sono koto o mita koto wa tashikadesu ka?

(English Subtitles: Remember the dodge ball episode from season one? I'm pretty sure we watched that one together?)

Oba-chan: (snaps her fingers) Ā sō! Dojjibōru no shiai o kobanda shōnen shōnen! Sono yōna taida wa kare ni fumeiyo o motarasu!

(English Subtitles: Ah yes! Scrawny boy who refused to play the game of dodgeball! Such laziness brings him disgrace!)

Mizuki: (giggles than faces the camera) In case you were wondering, I was speaking Japanese!

Oba-chan: And quite excellently for being raised to speak English as primary language.

Mizuki: With you as my teacher, my Japanese better be perfect or else. (chuckles lightly) I also speak several other languages such as Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, and I've recently began learning Italian. Learning to speak Japanese, Korean, and Chinese was Oba-chan's idea, but the other languages were something I wanted to learn as a hobby. And who knows? If I win the million dollars, I might spend it on a trip to any one of those countries where I speak their language. I would also like to point out that I'm well aware that being smart isn't enough to win this show. I have seen all three seasons of Total Drama and I know that Total Drama will involve intense physical challenges that can land me in the hospital if I'm lucky. (Mizuki smirked at the camera) But let me show you all why I am not worried one bit!

Mizuki kneels down towards the box and pulls out five blocks of solid concrete stacked together and placed the on top of the two parallel cinder blocks as if she carried textbooks. Mizuki cracked her knuckles, and raised her right hand. She lowered and raised her right hand a few times as if she was determining the amount of force to put in her chop.


Mizuki struck the blocks of concrete with her hand, causing the blocks of concrete to be perfectly sliced through. Mizuki gave the camera a smile of confidence as she placed her hands on her hips.

Oba-chan: That's my granddaughter! I would like to see the contestants do that!

Mizuki: (still showing a confident smile) You saw it right here! I chopped through five blocks of solid concrete perfectly! I've spent twelve years of my life learning martial arts from Oba-chan! She may be old, but on her side of the family, age only makes you stronger! Especially if you've been training every day for over sixty years.

Oba-chan: My family also has great endurance! Our bones put diamonds to shame with their ridiculously strong durability. Whatever you producers throw at my granddaughter, she can take it!

Mizuki: (muttering to herself quietly) Thanks Oba-chan, you just signed my death warrant. (faces camera) Oba-chan is right; my Japanese side of the family are very strong. That is why I think I would be quite a formidable contestant on Total Drama. With a combination brains, brawn, and an honorable code to boot, I can guarantee high ratings for the show. If you pick me to be on Total Drama, I ensure you that I will win with honor or lose with honor. Either way, expect a lot from me as a contestant. (smiles with confidence) Especially when you see what I can really do with my other hidden talents. If you want to know the full extent of what I can really do, you'll just have to find out by picking me. (bows) Anata no jikan o arigatō!

(English Subtitles: Thank you for your time!)

Static on the screen appears, end of audition tape...........

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