Jason's Biography

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Name: Jason Bon Jovi Puckett

Age: 16 years old

Birthday: August 18th

Label: "The Punk With A Heart"

Job: High School Student, Part time card counter at local casino

Relationship: Single

Family: Unknown Mother, Earl Puckett (father)

Talents/Skills/Abilities: Expert cheater, amazing con artist, street smarts, graffiti, arson, street fighting, ability to stomach anything (even Chef's cooking), fighting using a knife or gun, gifted liar and manipulator, gambling.

Fears: People finding out about his reasons for Total Drama or talking about his life at home, people invading his personal space, being placed in foster care by social services (formerly).

Likes: Lying, Cheating, Vandalism, Setting stuff on fire, graffiti, his Dad, watching TV, video games, breaking beer bottles, street fighting, boxing, wrestling, weed (its legal in his neighborhood), watching douche bags get what's coming to them, the mutant wildlife, rock music, messing with others, pranks, cussing, crack (that stuff is legal too), beer.

Dislikes: His crappy apartment, his annoying neighbors, people invading his personal space, other people talking about him as if they know him, Dawn (especially when she reads his aura and won't shut up about his life), people insulting his dad, people talking about his dad behind their back, the police, authority, censorship, watching good people get treated like crap, anyone who steals from him, cats, anyone who cheats on their partner or love interest, talking about feelings, being touched.

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