Jordan's Audition Tape

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Static on the screen appears briefly, then transitions to a greenhouse that is filled with many different varieties of plants and has several parrots flying around, inside a bird cage, and/or perched on something. Jordan stands in front of the camera with a macaw parrot perched on his shoulder. In the background, the squawking of several other birds can be heard along with the sound of birds rustling in their cages.

Jordan: Hey there, producers! My name is Jordan and I would totally rock on Total Drama! The audition sheet says that this season of Total Drama is going to take place back on the island from season 1, which is not only totally awesome for Total Drama fans like me to go to the place where it all started, but will also be a huge advantage to me as well. I'm really into plants, as you can see from my family's vast collection of plants in our greenhouse, and I'm also an expert with animals as well. I love all animals, but my favorite animal is birds, like Lucy over here.

Lucy: (squawks) Over here! (nuzzles Jordan)

Jordan: (strokes Lucy under the chin) Plants and animals have always been interesting to me. Maybe because my dad is a veterinarian and my mom is a botanist. Anyway, my knowledge of animals and plants will definitely come in handy in surviving anything the island has to throw at me. Oh! I should also mention that I'm also a gifted musician as well. Honestly, I'm not sure what my musical talents could contribute to for my team unless we are doing another musical like last season, but I thought I should bring that up. I can literally play any instrument anyone can hand me. I play guitar, bass, drums, piano, the trumpet......(the video fast forwards as Jordan continues listing off instruments. After about three minutes of the video has been fast forwarded, the video resumes at normal speed)....the accordion, the xylophone, the violin, the french horn.....(the video fasts forward again. After another three minutes of the video has been fast forwarded, the video resumes at normal speed)......and I believe that's all the instruments I can play. Again, I'm not sure how that will help me in the game, but I thought pointing out my talents would make myself more appealing. So I hope you will pick me as a contestant for this season of Total Drama! Though if I do get on the show, I will totally miss my awesome girlfriend, Mizuki. And if I don't get on the show....well, I'll still miss my girlfriend since she's auditioning for this show as well. Mizuki is the most amazing girl I've ever known; obviously she'll land herself a spot on Total Drama without a doubt. Honestly, I think she has more of a chance of getting on Total Drama than I do. It would be cool if we were both able to get on the show, but (chuckles lightly) what are the chances of that?

Static on the screen appears, end of audition tape...........

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