17: Some Months and Runaway Horses

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I got up from the floor after vomiting for the eighth time that day. The backlash of the wish I had made some months ago was beginning to escalate. I knew that things were not going to be easy. It was very, very hard to wake up and find my stomach was gone. The baby wasn't real, so the stomach wasn't there. It was also hard to see Andrew coming in all the time without punching him in the face for what he had done to Minerva but that never happened, so I had to keep myself in check. Besides, the backlash had me drained most of the time so there was no real threat because even if I did punch him, it would have been so light it wouldn't have been felt.
I felt my way back to my bed and climb into it heavily, feeling as if all of my energy was exhausted in that short trip. I flopped back on the bed and breathed heavily. There was a small knock on the door as Uma opened the door, bringing in a tray of food. The thought of food made me sick.
"Hello, Salem, how are you today?"
"Not much better."
It was so very odd to have servants again. I was used to the house being so quiet... Uma set the tray on the bedside table next to me and lifted the lid to my breakfast. Happily, I only found a small piece of toast and a soft boiled egg in the egg holder.
"I've noticed that you haven't had much of an appetite and so I told the cook to make something light for you."
"Thank you, Uma."
The old woman nodded and moved the tray to my lap as I sat up.
"You're looking pale, milord. I've noticed these past months that you have hardly gone out of the house and are getting very pale."
"I've been sick."
"Do you need Lord Higgaby to come and take a look at you?"
"No. I'm fine without him."
She nodded. "Oh, Lady Granthum is going to host a dinner party next week. I suppose you will skip out of this one as well?"
I thought about it for a moment and sighed. As much as it hurt to get up and walk around, I had to try and keep my strength up somehow. Plus, if I didn't make an appearance soon, people would start to talk.
"No... I'll try my hardest to go. Send an RSVP to her."
Uma nodded. "Yes, sir. Also, there is a Lady Jacoby that has been wanting to speak with you. She has dropped by at least three times in her passing of the manor."
I sighed again. If I were my old self, I would have used this as running away because I was playing hard to get but now I was using it because I wasn't in love with her. The woman I loved didn't know me...
"When you tell Lady Granthum that I will be at her dinner party then I have a feeling that Lady Jacoby will stop calling."
"Of course, sir."
I cracked the top of my egg open and used the spoon to eat it. I ate a little bit and then looked at Uma as she stared at me.
"I'm just worried about you, milord. I hope you don't have what your poor mother had."
"No, I don't think I do. If you don't mind though, could you send a chambermaid to come and get this pot? There is vomit in it. That, and if there is a paper somewhere I would like to read it."
Uma finally left and I let out a breath that I didn't realize that I was holding. I finished my breakfast and laid back on the pillows again, sleep taking me.

I woke up sometime in the afternoon and I yawned. I stood up and relieved myself, feeling a bit better than I have in some months. I went to the window and looked at the land that I owned, wanting to walk the grounds for a few moments. A bit of sunshine would be good for me I think.
I got some decent clothes on and went down the stairs, scaring a maid.
"Oh, Duke Barma! I apologize..."
"Don't worry about it."
I smiled a little at her and headed down the stairs to the front door. I walked out and smelled the oncoming rain that the clouds in the distance were threatening to bring and started toward the stables. I walked in and went up to Lorado and he turned to me, gasping.
"Oh! Milord..."
"I would like to use one of my horses please."
"Righto, sir. They're your 'orses so you be pickin which one ye like."
I nodded and went down the line to find one that wanted. A lovely chestnut stuck her head out and nuzzled her nose to my ear. I laughed and unhitched the stable door to get her out. I went over and grabbed a saddle.
"Duke Barma, I can be gettin that bridle and saddle on 'er, sir. That's my job, ye know?"
I moved out of his way and let him get the equipment on the horse. I walked back to it and looked at him.
"Would you mind helping me get on her? I'm a little out of touch with horses."
Lorado looked at me and blinked in confusion.
"Out of touch, sir? You be ridin this girl 'bout a month or two ago."
I cursed silently, forgetting that to him, everything has been the same. No one but I knows that it's actually been eight months of fending for myself, being fakely pregnant, and loving a woman I could never have. So I only nodded and made up an excuse.
"Well, considering the drinking..."
Lorado smiled a little. "I be gettin ya, milord."
He held out his hands and helped me onto the horse. I nodded, started to trot across the lush grasses.

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