Jealous ✨

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Maggies POV:

"Margaret!" Mum shouts from across the table.
"Sorry yeah?" I say and snap out my daydream.
"Where have you been going every afternoon?" She questions.
"Ive been with Madison" I lie.
"I haven't seen Madison in days!"She raises her voice.
"Because we've been going out" I say hoping she'd believe me but the look on her face said otherwise.
"Just the two of you?" she asks still her eyes glaring.
"And Blake.." I mumble
"I haven't seen the pair of them in days Margaret! And I'm starting to think neither have you!"
She was right, I haven't seen Blake or my bestfriend in days.
"I have, I was with her last night!" I spit defending myself.
"What, when you went on a date with the Simpson's son?"
It goes silent. How did she know? she wasn't home when he's been here.
"What you on about?" I ask acting clueless.
"Don't play stupid, you've been out with that boy instead of Madison"

Fuck why she gotta always be right!?

"How can you blame me , she's always with Blake! I'm always 3rd wheeling so what's the problem?" I belt biting my lip.
"So your dating Bradley because your jealous?"
Is she fucking stupid?
"Your fucking delusional!" I spit and run back to my room.
Maybe she's right. I haven't spoken or seen Madison since she walked out on me a couple days back. I haven't even texted her to tell her she was right and what's happened between myself and Brad. So I pull out my phone and get Madisons contact up.

Text To Madison 🤩
"Hey can you come over, we need to talk? X"

I sit on the bed and wait for her reply...usually she'd reply in seconds!
Then my phone lights up.

Text From Madison 🤩
"Okay, I'll be over in 5"

I quickly get dressed and make my bed, I sit on the end of my bed and wait.
Mum would have to open the door to her so now Mum can see we're still close. Then the door flys open and there stood in the doorway was Madison in her Pyjamas.
"Hey" she says with a breath.
"Hi" I say and tap the space next to me.
I wouldn't say we were in an argument but we haven't spoken for day so the tension was high.
"I'm sorry Okay!" I spit and throw my arms around her petite body.
"Hun it's fine!" She tells me and hugs me close.
"It's not! I haven't been telling you anything!" I say into her shoulder.
"What do you mean?" She asks
I pull away and look at her innocent face.
"Well... me and brad have kissed, made out, slept in each others beds multiple times!"
Her mouth was wide open... I didn't realise that shit like this makes your bestfriend go a bit mental.
"we went on a date last night but Lauren and Tris was there on a date!" I sigh.
"He also carried me home and I may of left a love bite on his neck..."
Madison was in pure shock. In the time she'd been gone, I've done everything with Brad.
"No fucking way!" She screams.


We did the usual, shopping, eating and binging inbetweeners until she got a text
Text From Blake ❤️
"Me, you, date! Xx"
It read, she looked up at me and pulls a straight smile. I nodded and she got up.
"I'll see you tomorrow with Brad yeah?"
"Sure , that if he bothers to turn up!" I say with a false smile.
"Okay love you" she kisses my head.
"Love you more..." I murmur before she opens my door and leaves.

I walk back over to my bed and pout my lip. Without Brad , Madison or Blake life was just bland. I always had Madison to rant to and when Madison wasn't around Brad was.I peel the duvet back and climb into bed.
I guess since everyone was gone it would be a good time to have a nap. I pick up my phone and look at the time, 4pm.
"An hour won't hurt" I say to myself before resting my head and dozing off.


"Maggie" I hear briefly while getting shook.
"Maggie...Margaret!" I hear my mum shout from beside me. I slowly open my eyes and see my mum knelt down with a smile.
"There's someone here to see you" she says pulling the duvet off me.
"Who? Madison?" I say my voice coming off more raspy then I intended.
"No go downstairs"  I climb out of bed and fix my hair in the mirror, I begin to wonder who it could be.
Madison? Maybe Blake...Or Brad!
I suddenly pick up the pace and begin to run down the stairs. I  hear the sound of laughing from the living room so I run into there.
"Hey babe"
My heart stops when I'm faced with Tristan standing in the centre of my living room.
"Ugh what do you want" I deadpan, my mood plummeting down just by his presence.
"I've come to take you on another date"
I immediately glare at him and he starts to chuckle.
"Listen, you just want to bed me" I say quoting what Brad warned me with.
"And Brad doesn't?" He smugly says.
What a prick.
"No he doesn't...Your just jealous Tristan" I tell him not taking my eyes off the tv screen.
"That's not what he told me and Lauren"  My blood boils at the sound of her name.
"What did he tell you..huh?" I say acting as if I could give less of a shit when in reality, I desperately wanted to know.
"He just wants to fuck you... I mean who doesn't but he's not Mr perfect"he smirks staring at my chest.
"Listen to yourself!" I spit and walk up to his face.
"Your just a fuckboy with a small-"
"Your just begging for it mags, look at you" he starts inches away from my face.
"You've got to be joking? Your telling me just by me walking up to you I'm 'begging for it'" I huff. I look up at him and his attention is on my lips, I can feel his warm breath and the atmosphere changes.
His lips were then pressed on mine and I couldn't help but kiss back.I had knots in my stomach and my hands went clammy.
This wasn't right...but I couldn't stop.

IG: BradleyMyBabe
Editors IG: LeahRickettsx
-stace x

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