A Couple Of Kids ✨

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Maggie's POV:
My mind floods with the comments ,I'm going to receive Monday.
I scroll through the retweets of the photo and tears roll down my cheeks.I press on view comments and my stomach clenches.
"Tristan's done it again ;)"
"Leaving his mark , legend."
"How long did she last, eh?"
Then the dreaded slut shaming comments.
"She'd do anything for a quickie!"
"Maggie Lindemann = easy"
"Wasn't she up on Simpson? Guess not!"
The mention of Brad made me sob.
I didn't want to be harsh , but he's been accusing me of shit , I couldn't stand for it.

I turn my phone off and try to fall asleep. Tears still streaming down my cheeks.I eventually drift off but I soon wake up.
I groan and reach for my phone.
2:38 am Monday June 11th 2018
I slam my head against the pillow and whine.
"For gods sake" I murmur and I stand up.
I walk around my room ,looking for the noise.
I immediately look towards the window and make my way over. I yank open my blinds.
I'm faced with the biggest dickhead the world could've of produced.

I open my window and Brad steps inside.
"Can you not?" I ask;throwing myself back into the duvet.I feel Brad's weight on me.
He moves a piece of hair behind my ear and kisses below my earlobe.

"You alright Mags?" He asks and kisses the same spot.I hum my answer ,but he doesn't seem convinced.

"Look ,we don't have to go school tomorrow"
Brad suggests and tightens his grip around me.
"We?" I ask. He's mad at me, well he should be.
I let Tristan give me hickeys , then I lied to him , slept in his bed and walked out.
If I was him , I wouldn't want fuck all to do with my ass.

"Maggie , I'm not mad" he tells me. I turn to him , his face is close to mine.I start to breathe heavy and a few tears leave my eyes.
The thought of walking into that shithole made my stomach turn.
"Why not? I've lied to you..so much" I sob.
"Mhm, but we don't need to talk about it now"
I lay in the duvet; tears down my face.
How could I let this happen and why is Brad comforting me.

I eventually fall back to sleep, but Brad doesn't leave, he's beside me the second I wake up.
"Ugh ,why can't I just go into a coma" I groan and Brad lightly chuckles.I turn to him and he smiles.Not even Brad could make this situation better.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask cutting the tension.He frowns and grabs hold of my hand.
"Yes you've pissed me off, but I'm not gonna leave you alone , especially at a time like this!" He answers and squeezes my hand.It was a good answer, but not good enough.
"Okay.." I trail off and soon roll out of bed; throwing my uniform on.


We make it to the gates of hell and all eyes fall on me and Brad.Students start to whisper and I can feel my cheeks heat up.I turn my attention to the ground and let Brad guide me.
I make it though the gates and feel Brad kiss my cheek.I know he's mad, but he won't show it.
"I'll find you after this lesson" he tells me and wraps his arms around me. I also know for a fact,everyone's watching Brad hug me.I nod into his shoulder and pull away.He brings his hand to my cheeks and rubs his thumb against my skin.
"I'll see you in a bit Mags" he whispers and soon leaves me.I hated it.

I walk into the class and take the furthest seat.
The room fills with students; all scanning for me.
I sigh and let my head fall.
"Slut" i here Lauren giggle with her friends.
"Lauren!" Miss Marshall bellowed.
"Sorry" she says with a smirk.

The lesson slowly ends and I find myself pacing out of lesson. I almost run through the corridor, letting my body barge through younger students.

I'm then grabbed round the waist and pulled into someone's arms.
"You alright? Look we can go-"
"Brad I don't want to be in this shit-"
"Okay , lets go" He guides me out the doors and we walk back to mine.

Brad wraps an arm around me ,as he inhales his fag.The entire walk home I couldn't think of anything else.I was now known as a slut ,thanks to Tris.
"Maggie, I know how your feeling, but you can't avoid-"
"Not even 2 minutes into the lesson and Lauren calls me a slut!" I belt.
Brad doesn't say anything, he just throws his fag to the ground and pulls me into a hug.
"It's not your fault, yeah you got pissed and tris gave you hickeys, but that doesn't make you a slut! Especially not as big as Lauren." Brad tells me and rests his chin on my head.He knows how to make me feel better , but not even he could change my mood.

We make it back to mine and my mums gone to work , meaning we're home alone.
"Can we talk about-" i start.
"You got any wine?" He asks as we wonder into the kitchen.I give him a puzzled look and he just smiles.
"Yeah in the basement, why?" I ask ,looking towards the basement door.He doesn't say anything , he just opens the door and walks down.Im left alone and confused , so I follow him.
"Brad there's nothing down here, there's vodka in the fridge" I shout as I walk down the wooden stairs.He doesn't answer, so I call out again.
"Brad? There's literally nothing here" I reach for the light switch on the wall; flicking them on.
"Lindemann!"Brad whispers in my ear , making me jump.
"What the fu-"but I couldn't finish my sentence , Brad's lips were connected with mine. All my problems felt so far away, I guess he could change my mood.
He eventually pulls away and lifts up a bottle of wine.
"Rooftop?" He asks.
I nod;blushing at what just happened.
"Good" his eyes go dark and plants a kiss on my cheek , making me blush even more.'
What is this boy doing to me!

Had a dream last night that Tristan's mum was gonna teach my horse riding lessons.Brad hugged me and told me he didn't realise how sweaty he was until he hugged me.

- stace x

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