She's Just My Type ✨

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Bradley's POV:
I pick up my guitar and decide to strum a few chords.I haven't written a song in ages, I don't feel myself without song writing ,or music in general.

I like the thought of throwing your feelings all on to paper , then singing it at the top of your lungs.It relives me and always will.

I pull my note book out from my desk and grab a pen.I sit down and start by strumming chords of three.

"I saw her out on Friday night" I murmur , thinking of Maggie with Tristan."She let's me down , then gets me high" I sing whilst I write it down."love the way she plays with my head"
I write down some lyrics I want to include, then I try to find a beat.

A couple hours pass and I have a brief amount of lyrics.Ive read the lyrics so many times and I'm happy with it. It could use some tweaking from Connor or James but other than that ... it's alright.

As I walk to Connors ,I can help but quietly sing the same lyric over and over.
"she lets me down , then gets me high"
I let myself into Connors and go to his room.
"Mate ,I need you too look at this" Connor tells me before I'm even a metre in his room.
"What is it?" I ask as I walk over to him.He has a tab open on his laptop.

Its a photo of Maggie ,passed out on the ground.I instantly clench my fists and bite on my lip hard.I look to see who's posted it and without surprise.It was fucking Tristan.
"Lauren's tagging people in the comments"Connor frowns and turns to me.
"I'm gonna kill him" I spit and run out Connors house.I storm down the stairs and I hear the faint shouts of Connor.

I make it the skatepark and see Tris with a bunch of slags from another school.He soon catches my stare and gestures me to come over.
"You think your funny? You prick!" I growl.
"What you on about Simpson eh?" He asks and the girls start to snigger.
"The photo of Maggie!" I blare and his expression soon changes.He looks to the ground ,but soon picks up his head to give me a smirk.

"I couldn't give a shit Bradley" he chuckles and pulls a girl into his arms.
"I can get what ever girl I want , I don't need your precious Maggie" he grins and kisses a girl on the cheek.

"Take it down you twat" I shout whilst grabbing him by the collar and bringing him close to me.He genuinely looks like he's shitting it ,until his 'scared frown' turns into an even wider grin.

"Your a fucking dickhead Tris!" I bark and clench my fist; ready to swing at his next words.
"Speak for your-"
"Shut the fuck up , cunt!" I belt and square him right in the jaw.He seems taken back , while the group of girls are screaming.
"Stay the fuck away from her!" I say grabbing him again by his collar.

"Take it down" I say between my teeth.Tris is breathing heavy and all eyes are on me.
"F-Fine" Tristan quivers and passes me his phone. I take down the photo and delete it from his camera roll.
I throw him back his phone and walk back to mine.


I unlock my front door and my phone soon connects to the WiFi. My notifications go off; I get one from Lauren.
Lauren Has Sent You A Message
I unlock my phone and open the message.

Lauren Has Sent You A Message I unlock my phone and open the message

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"You've got to be joking" I say under my breath.Disbelief in my voice."Fucking Slut!"
I shout and throw my phone out of sight .
I kick the end of my bed and punch the edge of my door out of anger. "Fucking-"
"What the hell Brad?" Nat asks from the door.She walks in and grabs my phone off he floor.

She unlocks it And frowns at the photo of Maggie.
"Who took this? Did you?" She asks furrowing her brows.
"No,obviously not! I wouldn't do that to her" I raise my voice and nat scrolls down on the message.
"Miss innocent? ...what a slut x"
"She's not a slut!You gave her those hickeys!"
Nat belts and clenches my phone.
I frown.
"It was Tristan.." I murmur quietly.
"TRISTAN! Gave her them" I shout and yank my phone off her.I push her out my room but she soon presses her heels down.
"Brad, Bradley!"
"Fucking stop Brad!" She gasps as I push her out.
"Brad , she was drunk! You've done worst"
My sister was right , but I wasn't gonna let her know that.

I began to wonder if Maggie had seen it, but she probably wouldn't wanna speak to me.
"Does she know?" Nat asks as if she knew what I was thinking.
"I-I don't know" I quiver and sit on my bed.
"Look why don't you just-"
"Nat she hates me! All I do is accuse her of shit, no wonder why she doesn't want me!" I put my head in my hands and let out a groan.
"Well guess she's your type" Nat says.
"She's your type , so you like her. She can let you down as much as she likes ,but you don't have to think twice to take her back"
Yet again Natalie the boring bitch is right.

I nod and she leaves my room.I let out a sigh and reach for my guitar, carrying on from this morning.Natalies so called 'speech' had an impact on me."She can let you down" I say as I pull at the string."She let's me down" I change what Natalie said and write it down."I don't think twice" I write down after it.
I struggle to think of something else to write.
"Ugh I don't know" I say and reach to put my guitar down ,until it hits me."I don't know why , she's just my-"
"Type" Connor says at the door.

I pick back up my guitar and sing what I've come up with.
"She let's me down, Then gets me high.Oh I don't know why, she's just my type." I sing and Connor reaches for my bass on the stand.
"Cmon mate" Connor lighten up and strums a few chords on the bass.
"She's not the one whose in my sheets"
"I need this more then just a one night stand"
"Love the way she plays with my head"
"She just my type"
I say a couple lyrics I like and Connor writes them down.
"She just my type , she's got just what I like"

For the rest of the night me and Con, continue to write this song.
We had school tomorrow so we were gonna have to go in late. Not like it was a problem but Maggie usually goes in late.

- stace x

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