Chapter 4: White Explosions

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Sorry, it's been so long! But I went to Comic Con and met a whole lot of people, including Arthur Darvill and Jennifer Morrison, so.... I'm going to continue.

Chapter 4: White Explosions

"Are you ready?" the Doctor asked me. "To bring back Sherlock?" I questioned back, "Dear God yes." He smiled as he began hitting random objects on the console. A brunette woman younger than myself walked inside the chamber, "Doctor, Akhaten was so fun but-" She stopped short in her stroll, her eyes widened, "Who's this?" She asked, her red satchel bag swinging beside her blue and black dress.

The Doctor looked to the girl, "This is Clara," he informed me, I nodded. Clara looked at me as if she was expecting my own name, so I replied with "John Watson." She nodded, "Doctor, what's he doing here?" Still fiddling with the buttons, the Doctor answered "His friend was taken through a crack in time and space that has been following me. And now,  we are going to get him back."

"How can a crack follow you?" I asked, my hand slightly brushing against the console. The Doctor looked exasperated, "To be honest, I don't even know," he murmured.  "So when are we going?" Clara asked, folding her arms. She clearly wasn't buying any of this, I was, but not that the crack was all over time and space. That was impossible, but then again, until a few minutes ago, I thought that a phone box couldn't hold a time and space machine on the inside was impossible. Not to mention 'bigger on the inside,' so who knew if a crack could follow the Doctor through all of time.

A shudder ran through the TARDIS, shaking the machine. I looked around, searching for a source. "What's going on?" I asked.   Pushing up a lever, the Doctor answered "Someone, something is overriding," he pushed another widget, "my controls." The shuddering increased, and I could only see small fractions. The clear pole in the center of the console, inside of which was an abstract piece of plastic, or glass, one of the two. The sliding circles on the roof, on different intervals there were intricate black circles, I had no idea what they were. Sherlock would've known.  A blurry outline of the Doctor's face, and finally a small explosion.

"What's happening! What's that!" Clara yelled, holding tight to the same pole I was. "She's just figured out where we're going, she's against it!" I brought my eyebrows closer together, 'she?' Who was that? "He acts like the TARDIS is a real person," Clara stated. In other circumstances, the Doctor would not have heard her, but he did.  "That, that is why she doesn't like you!" he yelled.

A white light shone through the room. It was the most piercing light I'd ever seen, Clara looked over to the Doctor, her arm shielding some of the light out of her eyes. I looked in her sight's direction, it took a few seconds until I saw a vague impression of the Doctor, but he was yelling. The light seemed to consume him, Clara yelled, "No!"

It was funny, when people black out they say everything went black. But I saw all white. Maybe it had something to do with the extreme bright white light.

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