Chapter 18: The Game Is Over,

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I must be the Flash! Becuase I'm Barry Allening this ish!

Chapter 18: The Game Is Over,

John POV 

The Doctor explained to Amelia what I had learned from Daniel, and as he did, we all packed our things. Or at least, the little we had.  We loaded them in the TARDIS, as Daniel had confirmed we could leave what little pocket of reality we were at.

I felt bad when the Doctor told Amy this.  Her childhood friend was leaving her again, and with the bombshell that she wasn’t really there.   It would be tough to bear, but hey, she clearly had gone through worse.  As I made my way to the TARDIS for the last time, I heard them talking, old soldier habits die hard, so I listened for a few seconds. 

“I knew this moment would come, but I always thought it would never end,” Amelia sighed. “At least now we can properly say goodbye,” the Doctor answered.  After that I left, best to leave the two soul mates alone.  

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