Chapter 14: A Different Perspective

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Ok! Christmas is here (almost) and I'm almost dying because Clara's leaving in the Xmas special! And don't even get me started on that new trailer! No! I refuse to believe it!

Chapter 14: A Different Perspective

Clara POV

The Doctor had many weird, insane plans, and despite the fact I’d only seen one at Akhaten, I knew that this was a habit and also, this was his most insane yet.  So, like any other human being, my anxiety levels were on a crazy high before getting zapped by the Internet. (Those last few words just didn’t sound right at all.)

The four of us got our devices and after a countdown of 3, we were whisked away. 

When I landed, I was very much surprised.

I didn’t remember much from the first time I got taken, but the dark, misty, and kind of horror movie like landscape would’ve stuck to me.  Unfortunately, I landed crouching, my face suffocating in mist made from who knows what. Hopefully, just water vapor. 

I attempted to get up but with my luck, I fell down again, this time on my back. “Ow,” I muttered, as an engine sounded above me. An engine? I looked up; only to see some form of spaceship fly over, many pieces of it’s mechanisms falling off, emergency sirens blaring and red lights illuminating the air around it. It didn’t take a Time Lord to know it didn’t have very long until it crashed. 

See what I did there?

A twig- or something- snapped behind me, instantly, a feeling of relief washed over me. Hopefully it was one of my friends, and not one of the scary aliens I’d seen around the place since I started travelling with the Doctor. 

Thankfully, it was the Doctor himself. I grinned, “Doctor.” I walked toward him. “Clara,” He tried to pull my in a hug, but it was proven to be easier said than done when I fell right through him.

An apparition.

“You’re not real,” I muttered, as the ghost turned to face me. “I’m real!” the Doctor insisted, arms stretched wide.  Somehow, the action of the Doctor’s arms forced me to fall to my knees. This wasn’t the Doctor; he’d never do this. “Get out!” I yelled, facing the mist below me. When I looked up, he was gone. 

I got up and continued walking.

At the back of my head, a throbbing like heartbeats began in my head.  It was subtle and a mere annoyance, but after a few minutes passed, it grew, and grew until finally, I had to stopped walking, and leaned against a rock, or at least I think it was a rock. It was solid, and tall and strong enough to support me- at the time it was all that mattered.

It seemed the pulsating beat seemed to be everywhere. In my head, my hands, my feet, even to the tips of my hair, and it was as loud as a percussion ensemble playing some heavy metal song. Out of tune- very much out of tune.  The sound was driving me mad, my hands clasped my ears in a unhinging frustration.  Under my infernal headache, I might have screamed, I might not have, but I couldn’t tell as at the height of it’s impact, it seemed my senses had begun to shut down.

My vision was blackening, my fingers couldn’t fell the dampness of the mist covering me like a blanket, and I couldn’t hear anything other then the constant, immortal heartbeat ensemble playing rock music. 

But as soon as it had appeared, the heartbeats fluctuated, and fell away.

I stood up, tear-stricken, numb and very much afraid.

I had to walk on.

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