Chapter 5: The Girl Who Waited

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Guess who met Arthur Darvill? This girl right here! I went to ComicCon, soooooo. Enjoy! Sorry if the updates are slow, I have 'The Raven and the Serpent' as well, and this week (July 14th to July July 21st) is    Booktube-a-thon.

Chapter 4: The Girl Who Waited

Amelia POV

It had been a year since I had last seen the Doctor. My Doctor. My Raggedy Man. Though I knew that we had said our goodbyes, however hurried and tear filled they were, each day I still found myself listening for that trademark TARDIS sound.

I'd written 'Summer Falls' and 'Melody Malone' but yet still, I couldn't get him out of my head. Rory was always annoyed by it. "Why can't you live a regular life?" he'd say, "I know it's hard and even I still listen for it, but you have to." I would always nod and say I'd try. Which was true, I did, but dreams of cracks in walls, dinosaurs in spaceships and alien angel statues would creep back inside my head.

I was alone in our home since Rory had to go to New York for work. Since he had been a nurse during our travels, he had knowledge beyond the time in which the live in.  So all of the medical authorities want to talk to him, thinking he is some kind of genius.

If only they knew.

I remembered the last time I saw Rory he was about to walk inside the car, when he turned around with a gift. A teddy bear. "Are you serious?" I asked, face palming myself, "A teddy bear?" Rory shrugged.  "It was the nicest thing in the shop," he stated. "Some shop," I replied.  We both smiled, and with a quick peck, he left down the dirt driveway.

The morning of the one year anniversary dawned, and I woke.  Smiling sadly at Rory's empty pillow, I began my usual routine. Breakfast, brushing teeth, and I went to pick out my clothes for the day.  As usual, it took me forever to choose, but eventually, I settled on a blue dress, typical of the time I lived in and a tan jacket.  As a walked to my typewriter for a usual day at work, I caught my reflection. Since I had said farewell to the Doctor, my hair was now short, it curled at my jawline. It took Rory a while to get used to.

Finally, I sat down at my typewriter, and with my only two published works beside me, I began to write.

I was around an hour into writing when I thought I heard it. That sound that I'd been yearning to hear. I rubbed my ears, checking again, but still, it rung throughout the house. Standing up from my chair, I walked to the window to my left. To my utter disbelief, the TARDIS. The brand new, ancient blue box.  Smiling, I whispered "I knew." The moment would've been very sentimental had the Doctor not have fallen out like the idiot he was.  I laughed and ran outside to greet my childhood friend.

Leaning against the wooden fence surrounding Rory and I's house, I asked "Doctor?" He stood up, and saw me.   "Amy" he breathed out, like he was surprised to see me, which was a reasonable reaction.   I laughed, climbed over the fence and poked his bowtie. "Still have it," I complained, grinning. The Doctor adjusted it and said "It's cool, bowties are cool." 

"And a wardrobe change," I stated, looking at his maroon coat. "Well..." he trailed off.  "Doctor," asked a man's voice as he walked out of the TARDIS "What was that?" The Doctor smiled. "Doctor? New companion? I see you've listened to my advice," I smirked.  The man had hair like Rory but was shorter and slightly stockier. Probably older, yes, definitely older.  "Ah! John Watson, this is Amelia Pond, but she likes Amy.  Amy this is John Watson." I nodded, and shook John's hand.

"Doctor?" asked a second voice, this one female. She walked out of the TARDIS. She was about my age, but much shorter and had brown hair. Her dress was blue and black, which set off her red satchel bag.  "Where are we?" she asked.  I crossed my arms, "Doctor? What happened to River?"

"Oh no, we're not a couple," they said in unison, pointing to each other. "Who are you?" the girl asked. "Oh, I'm Amelia Pond, but everyone calls me Amy," I answered. The girl could only gape, her mouth in opening and closing in silence. "Wha- you're Amy?" I was confused, maybe the Doctor told her about me. Yeah, he probably did. Bless him. "You wrote Summer Falls?" she asked, as my heart fell through time. But, somehow, the girl held my book, 'Summer Falls' in her hand. I nodded. "Yes..." She jumped up and down. "I knew it!"

I looked to the Doctor for help, and he did. "Amy, this is Clara Oswald, Clara this is...well, I don't think you need much more introduction." Clara continued to be ecstatic. "You didn't tell me you knew Amy!" He shrugged, and I gave the Doctor the look.

It was nice to be back by the Doctor's side.

John POV

Once the Doctor, Clara, Amy and I entered Amy's home, the Doctor and I  had a conversation. While Clara and Amy were talking about 'Summer Falls,' the book Amy wrote.  "Who is she?" I asked him. "The first face this face saw," he explained. "I met her as a seven year old, and on the night of her wedding, we took off to see the universe." I'll admit, it was confusing, but I got the basic premise.  "She was from modern times you know," he explained "But she was taken by an Angel. That took her back to a time before she was born," I cut in, finally understanding "Here," I said. "Exactly. This should've formed a paradox, I was never meant to see her again," He said darkly.

I was confused, wouldn't you be happy if this situation occurred. I turned to tell him that, but he was walking toward Amy.  I just heard him mutter

"Not possible."

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