Chapter 13: An Old Friend

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Yaaaayayay! I'm kicking this thing out the park! Wow, I'm on adrenaline whilst writing, what am I doing?

Chapter 13: An Old Friend

John POV

After the Doctor explained his - extremely insane- plan, we all found something that connected to WiFi. I had to admit, I was extremely worried that the plan wouldn't work. I assumed the doctor didn't take into consideration that million things that could go wrong. But then, every plan was like that. Anyway, the TARDIS proved efficient in providing technology that connected to the Internet. In the control room, the main one at least, we gathered in a circle and counted down oncrnwe set up the Internet.

3, 2, 1, GO!

Simultaneously, we clicked the cryptic WiFi and were zapped to who know where.

In the blink of an eye, I was transported to a dark place. There was mist clinging to the ground and I couldn't see the landscape around me.

Clearly our kidnapper had a flair for the dramatic.

I felt a lump in my pocket and when I pulled it out, I found it was a torch. Helpful. Turning it on, I began to walk around the land. In the distance, I could hear Clara yell, "Doctor!" It echoed through the silent air as I began to walk towards her. Somewhere, a explosions detonated, which was worrying.

I must've been walking away from Clara as eventually, I couldn't hear anything. The terrain became rocky as if I was entering a mountainous area. Once, I almost tripped over a rock that protruded from the ground, the mist that clung to the empty ground like parasites on humans covered a lot more rocks like them.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a thin light brighten the rocks around me. I turned around, and saw it was the crack in the wall, the anomaly that had started this all.

Elysium:  A WholockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora