Chapter 16: The Man From The Crack

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So, this is 16 of 20, *goes into Tiana mode* I'm almost THERE!

Chapter 16: The Man From The Crack

John POV

There was no mistaking the shape that started it all; the crack in the wall. I decided to try and end it then and there. Somehow, my pockets were cornucopias as the next object I pulled out of them was a gun. After shooting twice, the crack appeared to be untarnished by the bullets.  So instead, I knelt beside it and brushed my fingers over its jagged surface. “I should’ve known,” I muttered. 

 A blinding white light erupted from the crevice, pushing me back a few steps. It was like the light that the TARDIS had when we first landed here, like when it took Sherlock. When it had gone, a man stood in front of me. He wore odd scarlet robes with a huge emblazoned headdress behind his head.  It seemed to be in some sort of language but it definitely wasn’t human, all I knew was that it looked to be fancy circles. The man smiled, brown eyes twinkling, “I’m Daniel. You look lost.”

 I brought my eyebrows together in confusion. “Are you…” “Like the Doctor? Yes we’re friends- well, not in this version of reality,” he answered. “So you’re, a Time Lord?” Daniel considered the question, “Not exactly,” he ran a hand through his fawn hair, “but without the technicalities, I’m a Time Lord. And I’m explaining this mess before you drive yourselves crazy trying to find a way out.”

“We- the Time Lords- have been watching those out of the ordinary for a while now. You see, our plan was to see how the five most extraordinary would interact, we ended up with you, the Deduction Man, the Girl Who Waited, the Woman Twice Dead and the Doctor.” “Why me? I’m just a regular person.” Daniel nodded, “True, but we needed contrast, a control of sorts. However, it takes a special man to stay alongside Sherlock Holmes for all these years.  But mainly, the plan was the ginger one, Amy.”

 “Amy? Why her?” I asked. No offence to Amy, but it didn’t seem to click. “We’ve watched her grow up, taken her memories, though each time she took them back and she continued our bloodline.” “How?” I interrupted. “Long story. Essentially, we created an apparition of Amy in her place. We knew that the Doctor wouldn’t want to leave when Amelia Pond was in the question, this allowed our tests to continue. Though for her benefit, when all this is over, Amy will remember all of this. But she’ll know she wasn’t really there.”

 I rubbed my hand on my chin, processing what I just heard, “So, an ingenious alien race, and you’re ultimate trap is the apparition regular ginger girl?” Daniel shook his head, and then moved a strand of hair from his eye, “ She’s more than a regular girl. When you see the Doctor, you must tell him what’s going on. Then, you can go home.”

Daniel stepped back into the crack, the light consuming him.  Though something told me he had done something similar once before perhaps in the other version of reality he was from.  “John!” I heard some call behind me.  The Doctor and Clara.  “Who was that?” he asked, clearly he had seen Daniel.  “That was just, um, a person.”  Mentally, I shook my head; this was just a great way to lie your way through the situation.  “Nothing, just.. he looked familiar.”

 I sighed, “Look, Doctor, he explained what’s happening,” I told him what I recalled from the ‘Time Lord without the technicalities.’  Afterward, Clara seemed gob smacked, like a crazed girl had hit her across the face with a frying pan. The Doctor however was speechless.  An eternity passed, and finally he spoke, “We need to find Sherlock and Amy, now.”

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