what you steal of theirs when they're gone pt.3

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Cas: the thing you always take from him is actually his white button down shirt. You wear it at night, or just whenever you miss him.

You stared at your computer screen, as you scoured the Internet for anything that seemed like it could be a case. When you finally found something you looked up with sleepy eyes, to see the boys asleep. Sam leaning on the table, his head on his elbows slightly snoring. Dean leaning back on his chair, his head gently lulling to the side, his lips slightly parted and drooling. You smiled as you stood up quietly and grabbed blankets to cover them up.
Turning the lights off, you made your way to your room. You quickly changed out of your clothes and put on cas' shirt, jumping into bed trying to get comfy; well as comfy as possible without Cas being there.

You sighed as you tossed and turned, missing the warmth of your angel. You missed him oh, so much, you felt safe with him... you closed your eyes again and decided to try and sleep again, when all of a sudden you felt a dip in the bed next to you. Opening your eyes you looked up and saw Cas laying next to you, with a rare smile on his lips. Turning over, you shared no words but you knew you were safe, and Cas knew that even if he wasn't physically with you, you had something that would make you feel watched over. He kissed your hair and quietly said "I don't know, how you are meant to say this, but I think you look cute in my shirt." You were drifting off to sleep and smile a lazy smile. He knew you heard it and pulled you closer, to his chest and held you as you slept.

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