They reject you-Cas pt. 2

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Cas: You woke up at the sound of a door being closed. It had been a few days since you had told Castiel how you felt and they all left on a hunt they didn’t want you on. You’ve been keeping yourself distracted by going on an intense cleaning binge. At the end of each day, you would feel everything in full affect whereas in the day you just felt numb. 

It was about 10:00 pm, when you heard familiar voices echo through the halls. You were a few doors away from the kitchen and so you heard clearly their confusion about how insanely clean everything was. 

“I’m gonna go check on (y/n), I know she was upset about not going.” You heard Dean say. 
You heard his footfall, and simply laid still. When you heard the knock on the door you finally realized that there were tears in your eyes. So you hastily buried your face in your pillows hoping he would just go away. You knew if he came in, you would pour your heart out. You could never hide from Dean he was like your best friend and your brother. 

You heard the door knob turn and the door creek. You fisted the sheets tightly and squeezed your eyes closed. “(y/n), wake up sweetheart, we’re home.” I need to talk to you.” he said in a gravely yet, very smooth voice.You decided it was best if you just talked to him. 

“I’m already awake Dean.” you uttered, sitting up. You turned to look at him,at this point you didn't care if he saw your tired red eyes. When he got a good look at you,he observed your state. And his eyes seemed to be drowned in concern. 

“(y/n), look.. I know we didn’t want you to go this time. Ok, and we are sorry we didn’t know it would hurt you this much. We just thought that maybe sometime alone would do you good.” Dean expressed. 

You stared at him in slight disbelief. “Time alone, time alone Dean? Really? I cried to you before about being scared of being alone. You left me. You know what made it even worse for me. I told Castiel that day. I told him that I loved him. Of course I thought I had a chance. Then he was the one to tell me you guys didn’t want me to go with you.” you cried to him. 
“We didn’t know (y/n), I know you said you were scared but I thought that maybe sometime alone would give you time to think things through and maybe make you not so scared anymore.” he said “ I had no idea you told him that.. I’m sorry (yn).” he replied with as much regret his face showed. 

“Dean, you know what? It’s ok, I understand, ok. I know you meant well. But please don’t leave me.” you pleaded. “I won’t ok. I won't, I promise. Now about Cas, what happened?” he asked while grabbing your hand. 

Before you could say anything a knock sounded on the doorframe. 
You both looked up and saw just who you were scared to see. Cas stood in the doorway, arms at his side. 
“(y/n), can we talk?” he said in a soft tone. Dean looked at you with an eyebrow raised as if asking if you would be ok. You gave Dean a nod and squeezed his hand. He got up and kissed your forehead. “Get me if you need me.” you gave him a smile and he walked out, but not before giving Cas a look, that said if you hurt her i swear i’ll kill you. 

You sat up straighter and pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “Well, what is it?” you asked, your voice toneless. He walked toward you and motioned to the place on the bed that Dean had once occupied and you nodded. He sat next to you. “(y/n), I really didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry that I did. I just needed to tell you the truth.” he explained. 

You looked over at him. Your eyes softened. You knew he wasn’t trying to hurt you and you had accepted the fact that you needed the truth no matter how much it hurt. 

‘I know Cas, I know, It’s ok, I just wasn’t as prepared to hear the truth as I thought I was. I understand.” you assured him.  He nodded at you. “I’m just hoping you know, there is love for you. Just not in the romantic way.” he said before placing his hand over yours. 
You took his hand and squeezed it. 

"Will we be ok?" Cas asked. You looked up at him with a small smile. "We won't be." You said. 
His face fell completely. 
You just squeezed his hand again. He looked at you, confused by your smile. 
"We won't be because we already are. We're ok Castiel. We're ok." You said. He smiled and nodded.

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