Dean imagine

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Requested by Princesswagger15
Thank you!

Getting up, you sighed and ran a hand through your (h/l) hair. Another day, another agonizing day of being in love with Dean Winchester. The man you had grown up with, and eventually fell in love with. Just as you let your feet touch the cold bunker floor there was a knock on your door. "Hey (y/n), can I come in?" You heard Dean's voice call through the door, and you nodded " Yeah of course Dean." Your voice was tired but you covered it up with a smile as he walked into the room. 
"I just wanted to let you know that we found a case, and we're leaving." You nodded again, sluggishly moving to your closet. "Just let me grab my stuff and I'll be there in a second." You grabbed your duffle bag and started to throw stuff in. "No, (y/n) we're leaving. Just Sammy and I." He walked over to you placing a hand on your arm stopping you from packing. 

Your head snapped up at his words, eyes wide. "You're going without me? Why? We always go together, remember." You said scanning his face for any signs of a joke. 
"I know ok, but we just don't want you coming along this time." He looked at you with that serious look in his eyes. Your expression changed as his words reached your ears. It was one of sadness and confusion. "You mean. YOU don't want me to come along." Your voice was slightly shaky, you just were so confused. Have you done something wrong? 

"No we jus-" "No I get it you don't want me there that's fine." You stepped away from Dean as you began to put your things away, trying not to cry. You were usually so tough, but lately you felt like you were breaking, this was just the thing that pushed you over the edge. 

"Dean, c'mon we have to go!" Sam yelled, walking down the hallway and showing up at your door. His brother looked back at him, with a guilty expression adorning his face. "(Y/n), hey.. we're sorry, it's just we thought about it and we don't want you to get hurt." You whipped around to look at Sam, a hurt and frustrated look in your eyes. "Really, are you serious? I have gone on every hunt with you. I have saved both of you countless times. You don't want me to get hurt!?" Your voice raised and your face turned red. "Yeah ok we don't want you getting hurt, we don't think you can handle this one!" Dean's voice raised right back at you. "Damn it (y/n)! Please just stay here." Dean looked at you in the eyes, his voice softening at the end as he placed his hands on your shoulders, slowly letting them slide down to your arms. Sam just looked on, he knew that you loved Dean, you have for so long. 
You looked over at Sam for some help, but he just turned his head down and walked away. You scoffed as Dean began walking away. 
He got to the door and without any thought you just called after him. "I grew up with you, you just never noticed. Dean you never noticed that I'm just as good as you and Sam. I grew up the same way you did and still you never noticed that I grew up too." Your voice was serious, tears welling in your eyes. He turned towards you, his face surprised at your outburst. 
"You think I never noticed, you really think I don't know how good you are, hell you're better than me. You just never noticed that I am in love with you (y/n). I love you and I swore to myself that I would protect you, and that's what I intend to do." He finally took a breath, and your eyes were wide. 
"Dean, I didn't, I didn't know... I never thought you saw me the way I see you. I thought I was just like a sister to you." All was quiet as you stared at each other. Both still standing across the room from each other. 

Out of nowhere Dean strides towards you, grabs your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours. It took a while to respond but you did, and your hands gripped his wrists lightly. His grip loosened and he dropped his hands to your waist. Yours moved to his hair. 
His lips were softer than you thought, and his nose gently bumped yours and it made you smile. Pulling away Dean rested his forehead against yours. You let out an airy laugh and so did he. "I Love you." Dean whispers his voice was slightly hoarse from speaking so low. "I love you too Dean, but I'm going on this hunt with you." You said before backing away and packing up again asking him to turn around while you changed out of your pajamas. You looked back at him and his face was one of unaccepted defeat. "(Y/n), reall-" you cut him off by placing a kiss to his lips pulling away. You had one eyebrow raised. "You did say you would protect me, right? Then I'm going with you. I know you'll keep me safe." You state before grabbing his hand and walking out the door. He was surprised by this, but just shook his head and chuckled. "You better stick with me." He said as you walked towards the Impala. "I will if you stick with me." "Always babe." He winked at you. 

Sam sat in the car and watched the scene unfold and smiled knowing that you finally got together. "Took long enough." He said to himself before they got into the car.

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