Part 9 feelin fine

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Okay the titles are turning into ryhmes now stop! 😂 anyways as you guys have seen in my other book. I have created an Au(???) of some sort called Aiasworld.

And the art is above this page since I don't want to wait too long for it to load. Plus wattpad or the wifi is being a meanie so I had to put the art up above.

I don't know why I used Aia's name since Idk she doesn't draw but I will change things. Plus all of them are theater music fans.

Aia as Edd
Ran as Tom
Meg as Matt



Aia is the leader of the group and is great at singing. She sometimes draws but she mostly sings. Her hobbies are singing, playing the piano and reading. She is a very kind girl and helps her friends. Aia drinks mountain dew red and keeps a whole pack of it in their fridge.

Aia sometimes shares it with her two friends but whenever one of them steals one she would go full on protective mode on her valuable drink.

(I'm not sorry 😂)


Meg is the innocent girl in the group. (This is just an Au meg dont go full rage mode on me)

She likes to draw and is most likely to be random at times. Meg owns a cat named Alex. Meg can be a little too narcisitic due to the fact that people make fun of her in her past. She compliments herself everyday and sometimes over checks her clothes and her hair if its a bit out of fashion or out of place.

Rj_Writer65 (Me)

Ran is the other artist in the group. She is like the mother of the group since she sometimes scolds her friends if they ever miss breakfast(any eating time), keeps saying negative things to themselves (mostly to Meg) and says their amazing flaws and every positive things they have, Etc.


Imma make more info after this but that's all I have to show you people.

If you guys want a fanfic series of it then..*sighs* fine atleast it's not animated or anything. I hope my friend won't mind right?

I'll go now see ya'll later artist, non-artist, guys, gals and bisexual pals.


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